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53 Fish That Start With D

Fish species starting with the letter D offer a diverse array of creatures found across the globe. From the popular Damselfish and Dragonet to more unusual species like the Deep Sea Anglerfish and Dolly Varden Trout, these fish inhabit a wide range of environments, from freshwater streams to deep ocean waters.

This list showcases both well-known and lesser-known fish species, providing an educational resource for anyone interested in learning more about the incredible diversity of aquatic life.

List of Fish That Start With D

You can click the links to read the individual animal fact sheets!

  1. Dab
  2. Darter
  3. Damselfish
  4. Dragonet
  5. Dusky Grouper
  6. Drum Fish
  7. Dogfish Shark
  8. Dolly Varden Trout
  9. Dusky Shark
  10. Doubleband Surgeonfish
  11. Deep Sea Anglerfish
  12. Diamond Trevally
  13. Danio
  14. Discus
  15. Dusky Flathead
  16. Devil Ray
  17. Double Spined Seahorse
  18. Dusky Pipefish
  19. Dusky Rockfish
  20. Dragon Goby
  21. Dragonfish
  22. Deepwater Redfish
  23. Dwarf Gourami
  24. Dusky Tetra
  25. Dwarf Loach
  26. Double Lined Fusilier
  27. Damselfish (Clown Damselfish)
  28. Dusky Chromis
  29. Deepwater Cardinalfish
  30. Dusky Snapper
  31. Dogtooth Tuna
  32. Daggernose Shark
  33. Dusky Grouper
  34. Dwarf Seahorse
  35. Deepbody Anchovy
  36. Devil Firefish
  37. Dwarf Pike Cichlid
  38. Dwarf Catfish
  39. Dagger Pomfret
  40. Darkfin Hind
  41. Dusky Batfish
  42. Dusky Moray
  43. Dwarf Pufferfish
  44. Deep Sea Smelt
  45. Devilfish
  46. Dwarf Pencilfish
  47. Dusky Dartfish
  48. Dwarf Rainbowfish
  49. Diamond Blenny
  50. Dune Sandfish
  51. Dory
  52. Daggertooth Pike Conger
  53. Dusky Wrasse

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