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51 Fish That Start With O

Fish species that start with the letter O include a variety of unique and interesting creatures from both freshwater and saltwater environments. The Ocean Sunfish is one of the largest bony fish in the world, while the Oscar is a popular aquarium species.

Other notable fish include the colorful Ocellaris Clownfish and the deep-sea Orange Roughy. This list highlights a broad selection of scientifically recognized fish species starting with O, from the striking Ornate Wrasse to the elusive Oyster Toadfish.

List of Fish That Start With O

  1. Ocean Sunfish
  2. Oscar
  3. Olive Flounder
  4. Opah
  5. Ocellaris Clownfish
  6. Orange Roughy
  7. Ornate Wrasse
  8. Oyster Toadfish
  9. Oxeye Tarpon
  10. Oriental Sweetlips
  11. Orange Chromide
  12. Oilfish
  13. Omani Bream
  14. Orangefin Anemonefish
  15. Ocellated Moray
  16. Orangespot Surgeonfish
  17. Ocellated Snakehead
  18. Ochre Sea Perch
  19. Octopusfish
  20. Orange Sea Pen Goby
  21. Old Wife
  22. Orange-lined Triggerfish
  23. Onefin Skilletfish
  24. Otterfish
  25. Ornate Butterflyfish
  26. Ox-eye Herring
  27. Orangebar Wrasse
  28. Orangeback Fairy Wrasse
  29. Orangeshoulder Tang
  30. Oriental Goby
  31. Olive Bass
  32. Oceanic Whitetip Shark
  33. Ornate Boxfish
  34. Orangemouth Lizardfish
  35. Ornate Angelfish
  36. Ocellated Stingray
  37. Orange Skunk Clownfish
  38. Orbicular Batfish
  39. Orange-spotted Filefish
  40. Ornate Cardinalfish
  41. Orange Dartfish
  42. Orange Pufferfish
  43. Omani Rabbitfish
  44. Orange Blenny
  45. Orange-eye Tetra
  46. Olive Rockfish
  47. Ocellated Wrasse
  48. Orange-striped Triggerfish
  49. Orangehead Cichlid
  50. Olive Catfish
  51. Oilfin Molly

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