The Bahamas is a stunning archipelago situated in the Caribbean region, just southeast of Florida. The country comprises over 700 islands and cays, surrounded by the crystal-clear waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
With its pristine beaches, turquoise waters, and incredible wildlife, the Bahamas is a popular destination for travelers seeking an island paradise. The islands are divided into three main regions: the Central Bahamas, Southern Bahamas, and Northern Bahamas.
One of the main attractions of the Bahamas is its incredible wildlife, which can be found both on land and in the surrounding waters. The country is home to various unique species, including the Bahamian Boa, West Indian manatee, and Bahama parrot. The crystal-clear waters around the islands teem with marine life, including dolphins, sea turtles, and sharks.
Visitors can easily explore this diverse range of wildlife through guided tours or by visiting well-established animal reserve centers.
This article will focus on the top 10 wild animals that can be found in the Bahamas.
1. Bahamian Rock Iguana

- Scientific name: Cyclura cychlura
- Type of animal: Reptile
- Where found in the country: Islands of Andros, Exuma, and the Berry Islands.
- Conservation status: Vulnerable
Looking for a heavy-bodied lizard that’s sure to catch your eye? Look no further than the Bahamian rock iguana, a fascinating species indigenous to the stunning Bahamas. These unique creatures come in various colors, with males typically boasting brighter hues than their female counterparts.
You’ll find these incredible reptiles in rocky areas, where they love to bask in the sun and feast on various vegetation, including fruits, leaves, and flowers. Unfortunately, these incredible creatures are in danger, facing threats such as poaching, habitat destruction, and predation by non-native animals.
★ Did you know? Bahamian rock iguanas were a food source for the early inhabitants of the Bahamas, the Lucayan people. The Lucayans are believed to have hunted and consumed various animals, including iguanas, an important protein source.
2. Bahama Parrot

- Scientific name: Amazona leucocephala
- Type of animal: Bird
- Where found in the country: Several islands in the Bahamas, including Abaco, Andros, Inagua, and Great Bahama.
- Conservation status: Near Threatened
The Bahama parrot, also known as the Abaco parrot, is a subspecies of the Cuban Amazon that is native to the Bahamas. This stunning bird is known for its striking appearance, with a bright yellow head and vibrant green feathers that make it a favorite among birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts.
Bahama parrots are typically found in various habitats throughout the Bahamas, including pine forests, hardwood forests, and coastal mangroves. These habitats provide the birds an ideal environment for nesting, foraging, and socializing with other flock members.
As social birds, Bahama parrots are often spotted in large groups, sometimes numbering up to 100 birds. They are highly vocal and communicate with one another using a variety of calls and vocalizations. When in flight, they can be seen soaring above the islands in search of food or new roosting sites.
Despite their striking beauty and fascinating behavior, the Bahama parrot faces several threats in the wild. Habitat loss, hunting, and capture for the pet trade have all contributed to declines in the species’ population in some areas of the Bahamas.
★ Did you know? The Bahama parrot is an important cultural symbol in the Bahamas and is incorporated into the country’s coat of arms. The bird’s vibrant colors and striking appearance make it a beloved symbol of the country’s natural heritage and beauty.
3. Bottlenose Dolphin

- Scientific name: Tursiops truncatus
- Type of animal: Mammal
- Where found in the country: Waters surrounding the Islands of Grand Bahama, Abaco, Bimini, and others.
- Conservation status: Least Concern
Bottlenose dolphins are highly intelligent and social aquatic mammals that inhabit the warm and temperate waters surrounding the Bahamas. They are easily recognizable by their distinctive beak-like snouts, which give them their common name. Their muscular bodies are designed to enhance agility and swiftness while swimming, and they can reach speeds of up to 20 miles per hour.
These charismatic animals are renowned for their intelligence, curiosity, and playful behaviors. They are social creatures and often travel in groups, known as pods, ranging in size from a few individuals to several dozen. Dolphins exhibit complex social behaviors within these pods, including vocalizations, body language, and cooperative hunting strategies.
Bottlenose dolphins are also known to be highly communicative animals and use a range of whistles and clicks to communicate with each other.
★ Did you know? Female bottlenose dolphins typically give birth to a single calf every 3 to 6 years after a gestation period of approximately 12 months.
4. Hawksbill Turtle

- Scientific name: Eretmochelys imbricata
- Type of animal: Reptile
- Where found in the country: The waters surrounding the Bahamas, including the coral reefs, seagrass beds, and rocky areas of the islands.
- Conservation status: Critically Endangered
The hawksbill turtle is a fascinating creature that is commonly found in the warm and tropical waters surrounding the Bahamas. As a member of the marine turtle family, it is well adapted to life in the open ocean and is known to inhabit coral reefs and rocky areas predominantly.
One of the distinctive features of the hawksbill turtle is its appearance, which is similar to that of other marine turtles. They typically have brown skin with black markings and a patterned shell that is highly valued for its intricate design.
The beak of the hawksbill turtle is distinctly pointed, which helps it to feed on its preferred food source: sponges. However, they also eat other creatures, such as jellyfish and sea anemones.
★ Did you know? Hawksbill turtles play a significant role in marine ecosystems, particularly in maintaining the health of coral reefs and sea grass beds.
5. Nurse Shark

- Scientific name: Ginglymostoma cirratum
- Type of animal: Fish
- Where found in the country: The warm, shallow waters surrounding the Bahamas, including the coral reefs, seagrass beds, and mangrove forests.
- Conservation status: Vulnerable
Nurse sharks are a fascinating species of shark commonly found in the coastal waters of the Bahamas. These docile creatures can be found in various habitats, such as mangrove swamps, coral reefs, and sandy flats. Unlike other species of sharks, they spend most of their daytime sleeping on the ocean floor in groups.
They have a unique body shape that is relatively long and slender, and they are usually gray to dark brown in color, with some having dark spots and blotches on their bodies.
Nurse sharks are not used in medicine or healthcare despite their name. Rather, their name is believed to come from the Old English word “nusse,” meaning “cat shark,” due to their cat-like eyes and barbels.
★ Did you know? Nurse sharks are generally not considered a threat to humans as they are relatively docile and prefer to feed on smaller prey.
6. Great Hammerhead Shark

- Scientific name: Sphyrna mokarran
- Type of animal: Fish
- Where found in the country: The waters surrounding the Bahamas, including the shallow coastal waters, deep waters, and offshore reefs.
- Conservation status: Critically Endangered
The great hammerhead shark, scientifically known as Sphyrna mokarran, is a magnificent and powerful predator found in warm and temperate waters worldwide, including the Bahamas.
They are easily recognizable by their unique, flattened head with an unusual hammer-like shape, with a wide and flattened cephalofoil that is wider than the width of their body. This remarkable feature has evolved to enhance their sensory organs, giving them a wider range of vision and better prey detection.
Great hammerheads are active, solitary hunters, swimming during the day and hunting at night. They are known to feed on various prey, including smaller sharks, bony fish, and octopuses. They typically use their hammer-like heads to pin down their prey, making eating easier.
★ Did you know? Great hammerhead sharks have an exceptional field of vision as their eyes are situated on each end of their wide, hammer-shaped head. This unique feature allows them to have a nearly 360-degree view of their surroundings, making them efficient hunters and helping them locate prey more easily.
7. West Indian Manatee

- Scientific name: Trichechus manatus
- Type of animal: Mammal
- Where found in the country: The Great Bahama Bank, Andros Island, Abaco Island, Eleuthera Island, Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park, and Inagua National Park.
- Conservation status: Vulnerable
The West Indian manatee, also known as the sea cow, is a fascinating aquatic mammal that is mostly found in warm coastal areas, including the Bahamas and other parts of the Caribbean. These gentle creatures are herbivores, meaning they feed primarily on sea grass and other underwater vegetation.
Despite their large size and slow-moving nature, West Indian manatees are quite agile and are capable of performing impressive underwater acrobatics. They are known to be solitary animals and only come together during the mating season.
★ Did you know? The West Indian manatees have lungs instead of gills, so they must come up to the surface to breathe air. They can hold their breath for several minutes but must surface to take in oxygen.
8. Green Sea Turtle

- Scientific name: Chelonia mydas
- Type of animal: Reptile
- Where found in the country: Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park, Andros Island, and the Berry Islands.
- Conservation status: Endangered
Green sea turtles are one of the most iconic and recognizable species found in the crystal-clear waters of the Bahamas. They are one of the largest sea turtle species, weighing up to 700 pounds. They have a heart-shaped carapace with shades of green and brown, and their flippers have pointed tips, which help them swim faster and more precisely.
Green sea turtles are commonly found in the shallow waters and coral reefs surrounding the Bahamas, and they are also known to migrate long distances for feeding and nesting purposes.
★ Did you know? Green sea turtles, along with other sea turtle species, have the ability to sense the Earth’s magnetic field and use it to navigate through the oceans during their long migrations.
9. West Indian Flamingo

- Scientific name: Phoenicopterus ruber
- Type of animal: Bird
- Where found in the country: The islands of Great Inagua, Crooked Island, Acklins, and Andros.
- Conservation status: Least Concern
The West Indian flamingo, also known as the American flamingo, is a stunning bird species that can be found in several regions throughout the Caribbean, including the beautiful islands of the Bahamas. These elegant birds are known to inhabit a variety of habitats, including mangrove swamps, salt flats, and shallow lagoons. However, they are most commonly found in areas with shallow water, where they feed on small organisms and algae.
The West Indian flamingo is easily recognized by its bright pink feathers, which are actually derived from the pigments found in the algae they consume. These feathers make them a visually striking bird species and play a vital role in regulating their body temperature.
★ Did you know? West Indian flamingoes use a filter-feeding mechanism to extract small organisms and algae from the water. They tilt their heads upside-down and scoop up water with their bill. They then use their tongue to pump water through a series of comb-like structures in their bill, which filter out small crustaceans and other invertebrates.
10. Brown Pelican

- Scientific name: Pelecanus occidentalis
- Type of animal: Bird
- Where found in the country: Abaco Islands, Andros Island, Grand Bahama Island, and the Exuma Islands.
- Conservation status: Least Concern
The Brown pelican, a magnificent bird with a wingspan of up to 7 feet and a length of 4 feet, is an impressive sight to behold. Covered in a beautiful blend of brown and white feathers, these birds have a unique appearance that sets them apart from other birds. They have been known to occupy various habitats, such as cays, coastal regions, and mangrove swamps. This adaptability has made them one of the most widespread pelican species in the world.
Brown pelicans are expert hunters, with fish being their primary food source. They hunt by flying above the water and diving headfirst, using their impressive wingspan to control their descent. This diving technique allows them to stun their prey before scooping them up in their pouch-like beaks.
★ Did you know? Brown pelicans have a unique adaptation that allows them to eliminate excess salt from their bodies. They have a special gland, known as the supraorbital gland, located above their eyes, which filters out excess salt from their bloodstream.