Discover the intriguing world of animals with more than two eyes in this captivating article. The animal kingdom is replete with remarkable adaptations, and one of the most fascinating is the presence of multiple eyes in certain species.
From the precision vision of the dragonfly to the unique arrangement of eyes in the starfish, these 11 animals demonstrate the incredible diversity of nature’s solutions to survival. Each of these creatures uses their multiple eyes in unique ways, enhancing their ability to navigate, hunt, and interact with their environment.
Let’s explore these extraordinary animals and the fascinating world of their many-eyed vision.
Animals With More Than 2 Eyes: The List
Jumping Spider

- Scientific Name: Salticidae (Family)
- Type of Animal: Arachnid
- Number of Eyes: 8
- Where Found: Worldwide
- Conservation Status: Not Evaluated
Jumping spiders are known for their incredible vision, facilitated by their eight eyes. They have four pairs of eyes, with one large pair in the front providing acute vision to judge distance and movement, crucial for their hunting strategy.
The other eyes are positioned around their head, giving them a near 360-degree view. These spiders are active hunters, often seen pouncing on their prey with remarkable accuracy.
Their excellent vision is complemented by vibrant colors and intricate mating dances, making them fascinating subjects for study and observation.
Did you know? The jumping spider is one of the few spider families that can see in color, helping them in their complex visual courtship displays.

- Scientific Name: Scorpiones (Order)
- Type of Animal: Arachnid
- Number of Eyes: 6 to 12
- Where Found: Worldwide, particularly in deserts and tropical forests
- Conservation Status: Varies by species
Scorpions, with their menacing pincers and stinging tails, also possess a surprising number of eyes. Most species have two larger eyes on top of their head and several smaller ones around the sides.
These eyes are more adapted to detect light and movement rather than for detailed vision. Scorpions primarily rely on their keen sense of touch and vibration sensitivity to navigate and hunt.
Despite their fearsome reputation, scorpions play a crucial role in their ecosystems as both predators and prey, helping to control insect populations.
Did you know? Some species of scorpions glow under ultraviolet light due to a substance found in their exoskeleton, making them easily visible at night.
Horseshoe Crab

- Scientific Name: Limulidae (Family)
- Type of Animal: Arthropod
- Number of Eyes: 10
- Where Found: Coastal regions in Asia and North America
- Conservation Status: Varies by species, from Least Concern to Endangered
Horseshoe crabs are ancient marine arthropods with a hard exoskeleton and a total of ten eyes. These include a pair of compound lateral eyes that are used for finding mates and several smaller eyes distributed around the body, including near the mouth.
These additional eyes aid in detecting light intensity and movement. Horseshoe crabs are often found on sandy or muddy bottoms in shallow ocean waters.
They are crucial for medical research, as their blue blood contains substances used to test the sterility of medical equipment and vaccines.
Did you know? Horseshoe crabs have remained virtually unchanged for over 450 million years, earning them the title of “living fossils.”
Box Jellyfish

- Scientific Name: Cubozoa (Class)
- Type of Animal: Cnidarian
- Number of Eyes: 24
- Where Found: Primarily in the tropical Indo-Pacific region
- Conservation Status: Not Evaluated
Box jellyfish are renowned for their potent venom, but they also possess a remarkable visual system of 24 eyes. These eyes are grouped into clusters called rhopalia, and some are surprisingly sophisticated, complete with corneas, lenses, and retinas, a rarity among jellyfish.
This advanced visual system allows them to navigate complex environments and avoid obstacles, unusual for jellyfish. Box jellyfish are among the most venomous marine creatures, and their stings can be fatal to humans.
Did you know? Despite their complex eyes, box jellyfish lack a central nervous system and brain, making their visual processing quite unique in the animal kingdom.

- Scientific Name: Asteroidea (Class)
- Type of Animal: Echinoderm
- Number of Eyes: One at the end of each arm (typically five)
- Where Found: Worldwide in oceans
- Conservation Status: Varies by species
Starfish, or sea stars, are fascinating marine creatures known for their radial symmetry and ability to regenerate limbs. Remarkably, they have an eye at the tip of each arm, usually five in total.
These eyes are simple and do not provide detailed images but can detect light and dark, aiding the starfish in navigating their underwater environments. Starfish are important predators in marine ecosystems, often feeding on mollusks such as clams and oysters.
Did you know? Some species of starfish can regenerate an entirely new starfish from just a portion of a severed limb.

- Scientific Name: Anisoptera (Suborder)
- Type of Animal: Insect
- Number of Eyes: 2 compound eyes and 3 ocelli
- Where Found: Worldwide, near freshwater habitats
- Conservation Status: Varies by species
Dragonflies are known for their agile flight and striking eyes. Each of their two large compound eyes contains up to 30,000 facets (ommatidia), providing them with a nearly 360-degree field of vision.
This exceptional vision is crucial for their hunting strategy, as they capture prey mid-air with remarkable precision. The three additional ocelli help in detecting light intensity and movement.
Dragonflies are beneficial predators, controlling populations of mosquitoes and other insects. They are indicators of healthy wetland ecosystems.
Did you know? Dragonflies are among the oldest insect species, with fossils dating back over 300 million years.
Praying Mantis

- Scientific Name: Mantodea (Order)
- Type of Animal: Insect
- Number of Eyes: 2 compound eyes and 3 simple eyes (ocelli)
- Where Found: Worldwide, especially in tropical and subtropical regions
- Conservation Status: Not Evaluated
Praying mantises are unique insects known for their “praying” posture and predatory habits. They possess two large compound eyes that give them a wide field of vision and depth perception, essential for capturing prey. The three smaller simple eyes, or ocelli, located between the compound eyes, are used for detecting light and dark.
Mantises are skilled hunters, often camouflaged within their environment, waiting to ambush unsuspecting prey with their powerful front legs.
Did you know? Some species of praying mantis are known to practice sexual cannibalism, where the female eats the male after or during mating.

- Scientific Name: Musca domestica
- Type of Animal: Insect
- Number of Eyes: 2 compound eyes and 3 ocelli
- Where Found: Worldwide, particularly in human-inhabited areas
- Conservation Status: Not Evaluated
The common housefly, often seen as a pest, has a sophisticated visual system. Its two large compound eyes are made up of thousands of tiny lenses, allowing it to detect even the slightest movements around it. This is particularly useful in avoiding predators.
The three smaller ocelli are used for maintaining stability during flight. Houseflies are known for their ability to spread various diseases due to their feeding and breeding habits in unsanitary places.
Did you know? Houseflies taste with their feet, which are 10 million times more sensitive to sugar than the human tongue.
Stalk-Eyed Fly

- Scientific Name: Diopsidae (Family)
- Type of Animal: Insect
- Number of Eyes: 2 compound eyes on long stalks
- Where Found: Mainly in Africa, Asia, and Southeast Asia
- Conservation Status: Not Evaluated
Stalk-eyed flies are notable for their distinctive eye stalks, with a compound eye at the end of each stalk. These stalks are used in sexual selection; males with longer stalks are often more attractive to females.
This unique eye placement also provides them with an extensive range of vision, which is beneficial in detecting predators and rivals. These flies are typically found in humid, tropical environments and are often seen near streams and rivers.
Did you know? Male stalk-eyed flies engage in ritualized contests, displaying their eye stalks to competitors and potential mates.

- Scientific Name: Lepidoptera (Order)
- Type of Animal: Insect
- Number of Eyes: 2 compound eyes and several simple eyes (ocelli)
- Where Found: Worldwide, in diverse habitats ranging from rainforests to grasslands
- Conservation Status: Varies by species; some are Not Evaluated, others range from Least Concern to Endangered
Butterflies, renowned for their vibrant wings and delicate beauty, possess fascinating visual capabilities. Each butterfly has two large compound eyes made up of numerous tiny lenses, providing a broad field of vision and detecting movement effectively.
These eyes are adept at perceiving a wide range of colors, including ultraviolet light, which plays a crucial role in locating nectar and mates. In addition to compound eyes, butterflies also have several simple eyes, or ocelli, that aid in sensing light intensity and orientation.
In the ecosystem, butterflies are vital pollinators, contributing to the growth of flowers and plants. Their life cycle, from caterpillar to the adult butterfly, represents a remarkable transformation, showcasing one of nature’s most intricate metamorphoses.
Did you know? Butterflies taste with their feet. They have special sensors on their legs that help them detect the right plants on which to lay their eggs and the best nectar to feed on.

- Scientific Name: Homarus americanus for the American lobster, as an example
- Type of Animal: Crustacean
- Number of Eyes: 2 main eyes, plus additional photoreceptive organs
- Where Found: North Atlantic, from Labrador to North Carolina
- Conservation Status: Least Concern
Lobsters are fascinating marine crustaceans known for their distinctive appearance, including their large claws and a hard exoskeleton. They possess two main compound eyes that are located on movable stalks, allowing them to have a wide range of vision. These eyes are adept at detecting movement, which is crucial in the murky underwater environments they inhabit.
Apart from their primary eyes, lobsters also have additional photoreceptive organs, known as statocysts, which aid in navigation by detecting changes in light and gravity.
In their underwater realm, lobsters play a critical role as both predators and prey. They are scavengers, feeding on a variety of organisms found on the ocean floor, and are themselves a key food source for various fish species.
Did you know? Lobsters have a remarkable ability to regenerate lost limbs. If a lobster loses a claw or leg, it can grow back during subsequent molts, eventually restoring the lost appendage.
Why Do Some Animals Have More Than Two Eyes?
The animal kingdom is vast and diverse, leading to a myriad of evolutionary adaptations. One such fascinating adaptation is the presence of more than two eyes in certain animals. But why exactly do some animals have multiple eyes? Let’s explore the reasons behind this intriguing feature.
Adaptation for Survival
Having more than two eyes is often an evolutionary adaptation that enhances an animal’s ability to survive in its environment. Multiple eyes can provide a wider field of vision, crucial for detecting predators, prey, or navigating complex environments.
For example, spiders with multiple eyes can detect movement around them more efficiently, which is essential for both capturing prey and evading threats.
Specialized Functions
In many cases, the additional eyes serve specialized functions. For instance, in box jellyfish, some eyes are adapted for detailed vision, while others are designed to detect light and shadow, aiding in navigation and avoiding obstacles. This specialization allows animals to process different types of information simultaneously, a significant advantage in the wild.
Depth Perception and Accuracy
More eyes can also enhance depth perception and accuracy in judging distances. Predators rely on their extraordinary vision to pinpoint prey. The layout of their eyes allows them to focus with incredible precision, a key factor in their hunting success.
Environmental Adaptation
The environment in which an animal lives plays a crucial role in shaping its sensory organs. Animals in environments where light conditions vary drastically, such as aquatic environments or nocturnal settings, often develop multiple or highly specialized eyes to optimize vision under these conditions.
Evolutionary Experimentation
Evolution works through variation and selection. The development of multiple eyes in some species can be seen as nature’s way of experimenting with different survival strategies. Over countless generations, those adaptations that confer a survival advantage are retained and refined.

Eyes vs. Ocelli
In this article, with the goal of keeping things simple, we have included animals with more than 2 eyes AND ocelli. But in the animal kingdom, especially among insects, the terms “eyes” and “ocelli” refer to two different types of visual organs, each serving distinct functions. Understanding the differences between these two can provide insight into how various creatures perceive and interact with their environment.
Eyes (Compound Eyes)
Many insects and arthropods possess compound eyes, which are large, multifaceted organs typically found on the head. Each compound eye is composed of hundreds or thousands of tiny units called ommatidia. Each ommatidium contains a lens and a small set of photoreceptor cells.
These eyes are excellent at detecting movement and changes in light intensity. They provide a wide field of vision, which is crucial for navigation, predator avoidance, and locating prey or mates. However, compound eyes generally do not offer high-resolution vision.
Ocelli (Simple Eyes)
Ocelli, also known as simple eyes, are smaller and less complex than compound eyes. Typically, insects have three ocelli arranged in a triangle on the top of their head. Unlike compound eyes, ocelli do not form detailed images.
Instead, they are sensitive to light intensity and can detect changes in light and dark. This ability is crucial for maintaining stability and orientation in flight, as well as for regulating circadian rhythms and other behaviors driven by light.
In summary, while compound eyes provide a broad view and are excellent for detecting movement, ocelli are more specialized for gauging light levels and maintaining orientation. Many insects have both types of eyes, utilizing them for different purposes to navigate their world effectively.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, the evolution of multiple eyes in certain animals is a testament to nature’s ingenuity. It highlights the incredible diversity of life and the myriad ways in which organisms adapt to their niches.
This feature not only underscores the complexity of evolutionary biology but also enriches our understanding of how life on Earth has evolved to meet the challenges of survival in a dynamic and varied environment.
Did you know? Some animals with multiple eyes have the ability to see different types of light, including ultraviolet light, which is invisible to humans. This ability opens up a whole new dimension of perception and interaction with the environment that is beyond human experience.