Tigers are huge carnivorous cats with sheer strength that compliment their extremely aggressive behaviors. All kinds of tigers pose serious threats to animals and humans and are best avoided than confronted. This guide will discuss the dangers tigers pose to animals and humans alike.
Are Tigers Dangerous?
Tigers are dangerous, large, and strong. They have good hunting skills and strength, making them one of the deadliest mammals alive. They start adapting to hunting at six months old and can kill other animals.
Tigers don’t look for people to harm as they are shy and would avoid such encounters, but if their territory or cubs are threatened, they will attack. Yearly an average of 40-250 people die from tigers attack.
Are Baby Tigers Dangerous?
Baby tigers are not dangerous at that early stage. However, as they grow, their playful bite will become harmful, which is one of the reasons why they should not be our pets.
In their first year, they would develop long claws and canine teeth and weigh hundreds of pounds. Removing their teeth or claws to make them less harmful is a horrible practice and obviously not advisable, as they need them to walk, hunt and eat.
Trained tigers can be around people for years without attack, but that does not mean they may not launch an unexpected attack in a moment of distraction from caregivers.

Are Tigers More Dangerous Than Lions?
Tigers are more muscled, active, and have more agility than lions. These characteristics make them more dangerous than the king of the jungle. In some cases, lions become lazy and would need good reasons before they can attack.
So tigers are more aggressive in nature, which is why they threaten animals and humans living around their territory. The tiger’s skills would make them victorious if they went into a one-on-one fight with a lion. However, lions use their group members to fight, which gives them an advantage.
Are Tigers Aggressive?
Tigers are aggressive but only attack humans when provoked, threatened, hungry, and cannot find their prey. Tigers attack people when they get too close to them or their cubs, so staying far away from their territory is advisable.
A tiger cannot read your intention; it wouldn’t matter if you find yourself in their territory. People who visit places with tigers are usually advised to avoid running or riding a bicycle, not to trigger their chasing instinct.
Do Tigers Attack Humans?
Tigers have attacked humans for years since due to the closeness of habitats in several parts of the world. While the attacks are mostly territorial or triggered by fear, several are motivated by hunger. Some of the reasons tiger attack humans are listed below.
When They Are Protecting Their Young Ones
Tigers with cubs are always overly protective of their young, and a stray human may be considered a serious threat and suffer serious injuries.
This is why it is recommended to avoid tiger terrain; if it is absolutely necessary to go through a tiger-dominated area, you should get adequate reinforcement.

Food Scarcity
A starving tiger finding it difficult to find prey would not mind attacking more vulnerable humans for food. We are an easier catch than their more scarce desirable prey. People who reside in places where tigers live close should avoid being alone at any time to prevent such attacks.
Invading Tiger’s Territory
Tigers would attack anyone who find their way into their territory. So this is one reason tigers attack people close to their territory. India is a popular case study where locals living near tiger terrains are attacked yearly. Tigers see them as easy catches and threats, depending on the context.
Mistaken Identity
Tigers can mistake humans for animals if they are bending to pack firewood or cut grass, resulting in an attack. So anyone in such a situation must make the wild cat understand that he is not one of its prey.
Unskilled to Properly Hunt
Injured or old tigers that cannot hunt effectively may choose to go after people as other prey has become too fast for them. Tigers in their adolescent age are also prone to this kind of behavior.
Do Tigers Hunt and Eat Humans?
Tigers do not hunt humans for food and would avoid them in any way they can. They do not desire human meat as they have lots of prey that they can eat.
However, if they or their cubs are threatened, they can become provoked and eat the person. In food scarcity, where tigers cannot find any prey, and it finds a person starving, they would not hesitate to attack.

How to Survive Tigers Attack?
If you discover that a tiger is snarling at you and about to attack, try to stay calm, avoid looking it in the eyes, and slowly back away. Stand straight and make yourself look big, which would tell the animal that you aren’t one of its prey in a case of mistaken identity.
Resist the urge to turn your back and start running, as it would worsen and kill you. Make loud noise with anything in your possession like metal, signal flare, or a gun, as it would repel the animal, and it would get away from you.
If you have nothing, shout at it with all your strength. Keep moving away while facing the wild cat until it is out of sight, and you should quickly get out of that place.
What are Tigers Afraid of?
Tigers fear anything strange or dangerous they don’t see daily, like flares, firearms, and guns. However, they are more wary of fire than any other thing. The light and heat from fire contribute to tigers’ fear, so they have developed an intuitive issue with it.
To get tigers to jump past a fire, something more dangerous must threaten their life. Tigers may be afraid or feel threatened by some wild animals like lions, elephants, bears, rhinos, hippos, buffalo, and crocodiles.
Are Tigers Scared of Humans?
Yes, tigers are scared of humans and avoid such encounters. Although humans are weaker, tigers do not desire their meat. So most tigers that attack and eat people lack teeth, infirm or old and do it out of desperation, not hunger.

Are Tigers Vengeful?
Yes, tigers are vengeful. Research has shown that these big cats are the most vengeful animals alive. Tiger’s revengeful traits are one reason people are advised not to go close as they never forget such an encounter.
It is even worse if you cause them harm; they will keep it in mind and retaliate when you cross paths with them next.
Tigers are huge and imposing cats that a 6-month developing cub poses a real threat. A tiger in its first year is big enough to cause damage to humans with their strength, teeth, and claws.
Their owners and the people around them are at risk of such attacks as tigers are unpredictable. Its unpredictable characters and dangerous nature is what make tigers difficult to domesticate.