Welcome to this article exploring the world of black and yellow animals. These creatures, adorned with contrasting hues, not only boast striking appearances but also exhibit fascinating behaviors and adaptations.
From the buzzing flight of the western honey bee to the delicate dance of the silver-washed fritillary butterfly, these animals exemplify the incredible diversity and beauty found within the animal kingdom.
As you delve into this article, you’ll discover a curated selection of 12 remarkable species, each with their unique features, habitats, and survival strategies. So let’s take a look at this cool list of black and yellow animals!
12 Black and Yellow Animals: Overview
- Western Honey Bee
- Giant Swallowtail Butterfly
- Golden Trevally
- Mangrove Snake
- Fire Salamander
- Yellow Headed Blackbird
- Black-Naped Oriole
- Yellow-Tailed Black Cockatoo
- Silver-Washed Fritillary Butterfly
- 22-Spot Ladybird
- Yellow-Banded Poison Dart Frog
- Black and Yellow Garden Spider
Black and Yellow Animals: Pictures and Facts
Western Honey Bee

- Scientific name: Apis mellifera
- Type of animal: Insect
- Where found: All continents except Antarctica
The Western honey bee is a remarkable insect known for its crucial role in pollination and honey production. As a highly social species, they live in large colonies consisting of a single queen, thousands of female worker bees, and a smaller number of male drones.
Found primarily in Europe, Africa, and parts of Asia, the Western honey bee has been introduced to various regions worldwide, including North and South America and Australia, due to its importance in agriculture.
Western honey bees communicate through a sophisticated dance language, which allows them to share the location of food sources with their fellow colony members. They are also known for their unique hexagonal honeycomb structures, which they use to store honey and pollen, and nurture their offspring.
Honey bees play a vital role in the ecosystem, as they pollinate a wide variety of plants, contributing to the production of fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Their work in pollination is not only essential for biodiversity but also for global food security.
Despite their importance, honey bee populations face numerous challenges, including habitat loss, pesticide exposure, and diseases, leading to a decline in their numbers in recent years. It is crucial to protect and conserve these remarkable insects to ensure the sustainability of our ecosystems and food production.
Giant Swallowtail Butterfly

- Scientific name: Papilio cresphontes
- Type of animal: Insect
- Where found: North America
The Giant Swallowtail is a striking and sizeable butterfly species native to North America. As the largest butterfly species in North America, it boasts a wingspan that ranges from 4 to 6.25 inches, making it easily recognizable.
The Giant Swallowtail displays an impressive coloration pattern of black and yellow, with contrasting bands of bright yellow on its wings and a blue, red, or orange eyespot on its hindwings, which can serve as a defense mechanism against predators.
The larval stage of the Giant Swallowtail, known as the “orange dog” or “orange puppy,” feeds on the leaves of citrus plants, such as orange, lemon, and lime trees, and is considered a pest in some citrus-growing regions. The caterpillar’s appearance is an excellent example of mimicry, as it closely resembles bird droppings, which helps protect it from predators.
Adult Giant Swallowtails are avid nectar feeders and play a vital role in pollination. They can be seen fluttering their wings rapidly while feeding on nectar from various flowering plants.
Golden Trevally

- Scientific name: Gnathanodon speciosus
- Type of animal: Fish
- Where found: Tropical/subtropical Indian and Pacific Oceans
The Golden Trevally is an eye-catching, large marine fish found in the warm waters of the Indo-Pacific region, from the Red Sea to the Hawaiian Islands. This species is part of the family Carangidae, which includes various species of jacks and trevallies.
The Golden Trevally is particularly notable for its striking coloration, displaying bright yellow to golden hues contrasted with black bands running vertically across its body during its juvenile stage. As the fish matures, the color fades to a more subdued golden-silver hue.
The Golden Trevally is known for its unique behavioral trait of forming close associations with larger marine animals such as sharks, turtles, and large fish, often swimming alongside or even touching them. This behavior is believed to provide the trevally with protection from predators, as well as opportunities to feed on scraps left by its larger companions.
Golden Trevallies can grow up to 47 inches in length and weigh as much as 33 pounds, making them a popular target for recreational and commercial fishing. Their firm, white flesh is considered a delicacy in many regions and is used in various culinary dishes.
Mangrove Snake

- Scientific name: Boiga dendrophila
- Type of animal: Reptile
- Where found: Southeast Asia
The Mangrove Snake, also known as the Gold-ringed Cat Snake, is a large, mildly venomous, rear-fanged colubrid snake found in Southeast Asia, ranging from the Malay Peninsula to the Philippines and the Indonesian archipelago. This striking snake species is known for its distinctive black and yellow bands that run along its elongated body, with the bright yellow bands often bordered by thin white lines.
Mangrove Snakes inhabit a variety of habitats including mangroves, forests, and agricultural areas. They are primarily arboreal, spending most of their time in trees, and are skilled climbers. They are also excellent swimmers and can occasionally be found near water sources.
While their venom is considered mild, it is essential to exercise caution around these snakes. Bites from Mangrove Snakes can cause local pain, swelling, and, in some cases, more severe symptoms such as difficulty breathing. They are primarily nocturnal hunters, preying on a variety of animals, including birds, lizards, and small mammals.
Mangrove Snakes can reach lengths of up to 8 feet, making them one of the larger colubrid species. Due to their unique coloration and impressive size, they are sought after by reptile enthusiasts as exotic pets, but their care requires knowledge and experience in handling mildly venomous snakes.
Fire Salamander

- Scientific name: Salamandra salamandra
- Type of animal: Amphibian
- Where found: Europe
The Fire Salamander is a visually striking and unique amphibian species native to various regions of Europe, particularly in the central and southern parts of the continent. This fascinating creature is known for its distinctive black skin covered in bright yellow or orange markings, which serve as a warning to potential predators of its toxic skin secretions.
Fire Salamanders inhabit a variety of habitats, including deciduous forests, woodlands, and grasslands, often residing in close proximity to slow-moving or stagnant water bodies. They are nocturnal creatures that tend to hide under rocks, logs, or leaf litter during the day and become active at night to search for food.
The diet of the Fire Salamander primarily consists of various invertebrates, such as insects, spiders, and worms. One of the most interesting aspects of their reproductive behavior is their unique method of giving birth. Instead of laying eggs, female Fire Salamanders give birth to live young, either fully developed or as larvae that continue to develop in water.
Despite facing threats such as habitat loss, pollution, and the spread of diseases like chytridiomycosis, Fire Salamanders are classified as a species of Least Concern by the IUCN Red List. Their vibrant coloration and fascinating biology make them an emblematic species among European amphibians.
Yellow Headed Blackbird

- Scientific name: Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus
- Type of animal: Bird
- Where found: North America
The Yellow-headed Blackbird is an eye-catching North American bird species known for its striking appearance and melodic song. Males of this species display a vivid yellow head and chest, set against a contrasting black body, while females and juveniles exhibit a more subdued brownish coloration with a duller yellow head.
Yellow-headed Blackbirds are predominantly found in the western and central regions of North America, inhabiting freshwater wetlands and marshes, where they build their nests among tall reeds and cattails. These birds are known to be highly social, often forming large breeding colonies and mixing with other blackbird species during migration and on wintering grounds.
The diet of Yellow-headed Blackbirds consists of a mix of insects and seeds, with their preferred food sources varying depending on the time of year and availability. During the breeding season, they primarily consume insects, while seeds make up a more significant portion of their diet in the non-breeding season.
Although the population of Yellow-headed Blackbirds is declining due to habitat loss and degradation, they are currently listed as a species of Least Concern on the IUCN Red List. These vibrant and social birds continue to captivate birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts with their distinctive coloration and melodic calls.
Black-Naped Oriole

- Scientific name: Oriolus chinensis
- Type of animal: Bird
- Where found: Southeast Asia
The Black-naped Oriole is a stunningly beautiful bird species native to eastern and southeastern Asia, including parts of India, China, the Philippines, and Indonesia.
Known for its vibrant yellow plumage and distinctive black markings on its head and nape, this medium-sized passerine bird is a visual treat for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts alike.
Black-naped Orioles inhabit various habitats, such as forests, mangroves, gardens, and open woodlands. They are known for their melodious, flute-like song, which is often heard during the breeding season. The species is primarily arboreal, meaning they spend most of their time in the trees, where they build their cup-shaped nests in the forks of branches.
The diet of the Black-naped Oriole consists mainly of insects, small vertebrates, and fruit. They are known to be opportunistic feeders and will adjust their diet based on the availability of food sources.
Yellow-Tailed Black Cockatoo

- Scientific name: Zanda funerea
- Type of animal: Bird
- Where found: Australia
The Yellow-Tailed Black Cockatoo is a large and impressive parrot species native to the southeastern regions of Australia, including the eastern coast of Victoria, New South Wales, and southeastern parts of Queensland. As its name suggests, this cockatoo is easily identifiable by its predominantly black plumage and striking yellow patches on the tail and cheeks.
Yellow-Tailed Black Cockatoos inhabit various habitats, such as eucalyptus forests, woodlands, and coastal heathlands. They are known for their loud, distinctive call, which is often described as a wailing or plaintive sound, and can be heard from great distances.
The diet of these cockatoos mainly consists of seeds, particularly from native eucalyptus and banksia trees, as well as wood-boring insect larvae. They use their strong, curved beaks to extract seeds and larvae from tree trunks and branches.
Currently, the Yellow-Tailed Black Cockatoo is listed as a species of Least Concern on the IUCN Red List, although some populations face threats from habitat loss and fragmentation due to urbanization and agricultural expansion.
Silver-Washed Fritillary Butterfly

- Scientific name: Argynnis paphia
- Type of animal: Insect
- Where found: Eurasia, Algeria
The Silver-Washed Fritillary is a stunning and sizable butterfly species belonging to the Nymphalidae family, found primarily in Europe, as well as parts of North Africa and the Middle East. Its common name is derived from the beautiful silver streaks that adorn the underside of its wings, which can have a wingspan of 54-70 mm.
The Silver-Washed Fritillary thrives in various habitats, such as deciduous woodlands, clearings, and forest edges, where its primary larval food plant, the common dog-violet (Viola riviniana), can be found. Adult butterflies feed on the nectar of various flowers, including bramble, thistles, and wild privet.
The Silver-Washed Fritillary exhibits sexual dimorphism, with females being larger and having rounder wings, while males have a distinctive sex brand on their forewings, which helps distinguish the two sexes.
Conservation efforts have been made to maintain and improve the habitat for this butterfly species in some regions, such as the United Kingdom, where it has made a remarkable comeback after facing declines in the past.
22-Spot Ladybird

- Scientific name: Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata
- Type of animal: Insect
- Where found: Europe
The 22-spot ladybird is a small and distinctive beetle species belonging to the Coccinellidae family, also known as the ladybird or ladybug family.
As its name suggests, this beetle is easily recognized by the 22 black spots on its yellow elytra, which cover a yellow thorax and head. Measuring a mere 3-5 mm in length, the 22-spot ladybird is a widespread species found throughout Europe and parts of Asia.
Unlike many of its relatives that primarily consume aphids, the 22-spot ladybird has a diet consisting mainly of mildew and other fungi, making it a beneficial species for gardeners. These beetles inhabit a variety of environments, such as meadows, gardens, and woodland edges, where they can be found on the leaves of low-growing plants.
The 22-spot ladybird has one generation per year, with adults mating in spring and laying eggs on plants infested with powdery mildew. The larvae, which are also fungus-eating, develop into pupae and then transform into adult beetles by summer. The striking 22-spot ladybird is a fascinating and beneficial species that contributes to controlling fungal infestations in various habitats.
Yellow-Banded Poison Dart Frog

- Scientific name: Dendrobates leucomelas
- Type of animal: Amphibian
- Where found: Northern South America
The Yellow-Banded Poison Dart Frog is a small, brightly colored amphibian found in the rainforests of northern South America, including countries such as Venezuela, Brazil, and Guyana. This striking frog belongs to the Dendrobatidae family and is known for its vivid black and yellow bands, which serve as a warning to predators of its toxic skin secretions.
Measuring approximately 3-5 cm in length, the Yellow-Banded Poison Dart Frog is a diurnal species that is active during daylight hours. It primarily feeds on small insects such as ants, termites, and fruit flies. In the wild, the toxins in its skin come from its diet of toxic ants, but in captivity, the frog’s toxicity decreases due to a diet lacking in these ants.
Dendrobates leucomelas exhibits an interesting reproductive behavior in which the male frog calls to attract a female, and after mating, the female lays her eggs in a moist environment, such as in leaf litter. The male then guards the eggs, and once they hatch, he carries the tadpoles on his back to a water-filled bromeliad or other suitable water source, where they develop into adult frogs.
The Yellow-Banded Poison Dart Frog is a fascinating species that plays a vital role in its ecosystem by controlling insect populations and providing a striking example of aposematism, a defense mechanism used by many poisonous animals.
Black and Yellow Garden Spider

- Scientific name: Argiope aurantia
- Type of animal: Arachnid
- Where found: North and Central America, Hawaii
The Black and Yellow Garden Spider, also known as the yellow garden spider or corn spider, is a large, striking orb-weaver spider native to North and Central America.
This species is well-known for its bold black and yellow markings on its abdomen and its intricate, circular webs. Females are considerably larger than males, with a body length of up to 28 mm, while males typically measure around 5-9 mm.
Argiope aurantia builds its web in sunny areas among tall plants, where it is most likely to encounter its prey. Its diet consists primarily of flying insects, such as flies, mosquitoes, and small butterflies, which it immobilizes by injecting venom and wrapping in silk.
The spider’s web is remarkable for its zigzag pattern, called a stabilimentum, which is thought to help stabilize the web, camouflage the spider, or make the web more visible to birds and other animals that might otherwise damage it. Female spiders lay their eggs in a silken sac and guard them until they hatch, after which the spiderlings disperse by ballooning on silk threads.
Although the Black and Yellow Garden Spider’s venom is not harmful to humans, it plays an essential role in controlling insect populations in gardens and other habitats.