Across the vast expanse of the African savannah, a delicate balance of power is maintained by the various species that call it home. Two of its most iconic inhabitants are the cheetah and the lion.
Both apex predators, they command respect and awe in their own unique ways. While the cheetah is renowned for its incredible speed and agility, the lion is revered for its sheer strength and status as the “king of the jungle.”
Their interactions, coexistence, and occasional confrontations are a testament to the intricate dance of speed, stealth, and strength that plays out on the African plains.
Cheetah and Lion: Overview
The Cheetah
With a slender frame and long legs, the cheetah is built for speed. Specialized adaptations, such as large nasal passages for increased oxygen intake and semi-retractable claws for better grip, enable it to reach breathtaking speeds of up to 60-70 mph (97-113 km/h) in short bursts.
This unparalleled speed is their primary weapon, allowing them to chase down and overpower prey before it has a chance to escape. The cheetah’s hunting technique relies on stealth and ambush; using tall grass as cover, it approaches its prey as closely as possible before launching into a swift and deadly chase.
The Lion
The lion, often referred to as the king of the jungle, is a symbol of strength and power in the animal kingdom. Possessing a robust build, lions are more about raw power than speed. Male lions, with their majestic manes, can weigh up to 420 lbs (190 kg), while lionesses, who are the primary hunters, can weigh up to 280 lbs (127 kg).
Lions employ group hunting strategies, where lionesses work together to surround and ambush prey, using their strength to overpower it. Apart from hunting, lions are also known for their territorial nature, often using their strength to fend off rivals and protect their pride’s domain.
Cheetah vs. Lion: Habitat and Territories
Both the cheetah and the lion predominantly reside in the African savannah, a vast grassland interspersed with acacias and other trees. Within this vast expanse, there are specific regions where the territories of these two cats overlap.
Lions, being social animals, establish prides and mark large territories using scent markings, vocalizations, and by physically patrolling their domain. These territories are defended vigorously against intruders, be it other lions or different predators.
Cheetahs, on the other hand, are more solitary. While male cheetahs might form small groups known as coalitions, females generally roam alone or with their cubs. Cheetahs mark their territory using scent glands located between their toes and on their face, leaving behind a unique signature as they move.
The overlap of these territories can sometimes lead to confrontations. Lions, being the more dominant species, often push cheetahs out of prime hunting grounds.
Cheetahs, aware of the threat lions pose, typically avoid these confrontations by ceding territory or fleeing from potential conflict areas. However, occasionally, when a cheetah mother is defending her cubs or a prime hunting spot, skirmishes might occur.

Cheetah vs. Lion: Hunting Habits and Diet
As the world’s fastest land animals, cheetahs have evolved to be sprinters. Their slender bodies, adapted for speed, enable them to chase down antelopes, hares, and birds in a matter of seconds.
While they are unmatched in speed, their sprints are short-lived, often lasting less than a minute. Cheetahs rely heavily on the element of surprise, stalking their prey silently before launching into a high-speed chase.
Due to their lightweight frame, cheetahs focus on smaller prey, making quick kills to avoid drawing attention from other larger predators.
The hunting strategies of lions contrast sharply with those of cheetahs. Lions bank on their strength and the power of teamwork. Lionesses, the primary hunters of the pride, collaborate to surround, stalk, and ambush their prey.
Working together allows them to take down larger prey like wildebeests, zebras, and even young elephants or giraffes. While their individual speed is no match for a cheetah, their coordinated attacks and raw power more than compensate, enabling them to overpower robust and resilient prey.

Cheetah vs. Lion: Comparison Table
Attribute | Lion | Cheetah |
Average Size | Male: 8-10 ft (2.4-3 m), Female: 7-8.5 ft (2.1-2.6 m) | 3.5-4.5 ft (1.1-1.4 m) |
Average Weight | Male: 420-500 lbs (190-227 kg), Female: 280-400 lbs (127-181 kg) | 75-150 lbs (34-68 kg) |
Top Running Speed | 35-50 mph (56-80 km/h) | 58-64 mph (93-104 km/h) |
Bite Force | Approx. 650 psi (45.8 kg/cm²) | Approx. 475 psi (33.4 kg/cm²) |
Claws | Retractable | Semi-retractable |
Hunting Techniques | Stalk and Ambush; Group hunting | Stalk and Chase; Solo hunting |
Typical Prey | Wildebeest, zebra, buffalo, and occasionally smaller mammals | Gazelles, impalas, and smaller mammals |
Lifestyle | Social (live in prides) | Mostly solitary, except males which can form coalitions |
Cheetah vs. Lion: Direct Confrontations
Reasons for Conflict: While both lions and cheetahs share the savannah, their reasons for direct confrontations are primarily resource-based. Key triggers include competition for prey, especially in times of scarcity, and territorial disputes. More commonly, lions might target cheetahs to eliminate potential competition or to predate on cheetah cubs.
Analyzing the Odds – Speed versus Strength: In a direct confrontation, a cheetah’s speed is of little advantage. The cheetah is built for quick sprints, not sustained fights. Their slender frame and lightweight build are no match for the sheer strength, power, and muscular build of a lion. Lions, especially if they are part of a pride, can easily overpower a lone cheetah.
Documented Encounters: While direct confrontations are rare given the cheetah’s instinct to flee rather than fight, there are documented cases where cheetahs have been chased off their kills by lions. There are also instances of lions attacking or killing cheetahs, especially the vulnerable cubs. In most recorded encounters, the cheetah tends to avoid direct combat, choosing instead to abandon its kill or territory.
Impact of Lions on Cheetah Populations
Lions as a Threat to Cheetah Cubs: One of the significant threats to cheetah populations is the predation of their cubs by other large carnivores, primarily lions.
Studies suggest that a high percentage of cheetah cubs never reach adulthood due to predation by other predators. Lions, being opportunistic, will kill cheetah cubs if they stumble upon them, thereby reducing potential future competition.
Survival Tactics Adopted by Cheetahs: Cheetah mothers are fiercely protective of their cubs. They often shift their den sites to avoid detection and frequently move their young ones, especially if they suspect that predators are nearby. Cheetahs also tend to hunt during the day to reduce the likelihood of encountering nocturnal predators like lions.
By understanding the movement and behavior patterns of lions, cheetahs often choose to occupy areas with lower lion densities or regions where they can maintain a stealthy existence, thereby ensuring a higher survival rate for their cubs and themselves.
Cheetah vs. Lion: Coexistence and Competition
Avoiding Direct Competition: While both cheetahs and lions occupy the same habitats, they have evolved different hunting strategies to minimize direct competition for food. Cheetahs, due to their build and physiology, rely on daytime hunting using their incredible speed. They target smaller to medium-sized prey like gazelles and impalas.
Lions, on the other hand, are more versatile in their prey choice and can hunt both during the day and night. They often target larger prey like wildebeest, zebras, and buffaloes, especially when hunting as a pride.
Scavenging and Food Theft: Lions, despite being apex predators, are known to scavenge or steal kills from other predators, including cheetahs. Due to their dominant status, lions can easily chase away a cheetah from its kill.
Cheetahs, given their lean build, are more likely to abandon their prey rather than risk injury in a confrontation with a lion. This dynamic, while beneficial for the lion, poses additional challenges for the cheetah, which has to expend more energy in hunting anew.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who would win in a direct confrontation: cheetah or lion?
While both are formidable in their own right, in a direct confrontation, a lion would almost certainly overpower a cheetah due to its size, strength, and build.
Why do lions sometimes kill cheetah cubs?
Lions kill cheetah cubs primarily to eliminate future competition. This behavior is not unique to lions; many predators will kill the offspring of their competitors to reduce competition for resources in the future.
How fast can both animals run?
Cheetahs are the fastest land animals, capable of reaching speeds up to 58-64 mph (93-104 km/h) in short bursts covering distances up to 500 m (1,640 ft), and have the ability to accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in just a few seconds. Lions, on the other hand, are considerably slower, with top speeds of around 35-50 mph (56-80 km/h) over short distances.
Do cheetahs and lions target the same prey?
There is some overlap in prey selection, especially with medium-sized ungulates like impalas. However, cheetahs generally target smaller prey, while lions, especially when hunting in prides, can take down much larger animals.
Learn More About Lions
- Lion: Characteristics, Diet, Facts & More [Fact Sheet]
- What Eats Lions? Their Top 5 Natural Enemies
- Are Lions Dangerous? Do They Actually Attack Humans?
- Lion Cubs – A Glimpse Into The Life of Baby Lions
- Tiger vs. Lion: A Majestic Face-off
- Are Lions Friendly? Can They Be Nice to Humans?
- How Long Do Lions Live? Lion Lifespan Explained
- What is a Group of Lions Called? A Look Into Lions’ Rich Social Life
- Lion vs. Gorilla: A Comparison & Who Would Win a Fight?
- How Fast Can Lions Run? The Secrets Behind Lions’ Speed