Imagine walking through a forest that time forgot. Among the lush green and towering peaks, you find yourself beneath a canopy of pointy, scaly branches that stretch out towards the heavens. Welcome to Chile, a country as diverse in its landscapes as in its flora and fauna.
Now, while Chile’s national bird, the Andean condor, soars high, capturing hearts and imaginations, there’s another symbol of this nation that is rooted firmly in the ground. I’m talking about the Araucaria, the country’s national tree.
Known for its enduring life span and edible seeds, it’s a living relic of prehistoric times. Stick around to discover a tree so iconic, it’s often dubbed the “dinosaur of the plant world.”
Discover The Araucaria, the National Tree of Chile
The Araucaria, scientifically known as Araucaria araucana, is a true marvel of nature. Often referred to as the Pehuén in the aboriginal Mapuche language, the Araucaria boasts a thick, cracked trunk that leads up to an assortment of pointy, scaly branches.
The tree’s silhouette is often compared to a living sculpture, and its towering height can reach up to 50 meters (approximately 164 feet). The tree’s leaves are not what you’d typically expect from a conifer. They are triangular, leathery, and extremely tough, designed to minimize water loss.
The bark is rough, rugged, and provides an efficient climbing surface, especially for those skilled in harvesting its seeds. As for flowers, Araucarias are dioecious, meaning individual trees are either male or female. The female cones are particularly noteworthy, as they produce edible seeds known as pine nuts.
Where Does the Araucaria Grow?
In its native habitat, the Araucaria is usually found in mountainous regions of central and southern Chile. It particularly thrives between the Arauco Territory and Panguipulli. Conguillío National Park and the China Muerta National Reserve are among the best places to experience these ancient giants in all their glory.
The tree prefers well-drained, acidic soil and is well-adapted to the colder climates found at higher elevations. Although historically its range was much more extensive, today it’s largely confined to an area of about 30,000 hectares due to human activities and climate change. Unfortunately, the Araucaria has been declared an endangered species, which further underscores the importance of its conservation.
The climate in which Araucarias grow is generally temperate with a cold tendency, but their high-altitude environment also means they can endure snowy winters and chilly temperatures. They are often found alongside other species, giving way to temperate deciduous forests in lower elevations and gradually transitioning to evergreen forests as you climb higher.

The Araucaria Tree in the Ecosystem
The Araucaria is not just a picturesque element of the Chilean landscape; it serves a vital function in the ecosystem. One of its most direct contributions is providing food in the form of pine nuts.
These edible seeds are a crucial source of nutrition for various wildlife, including birds and small mammals. The harvesting of pine nuts, also known as “the piñoneo,” is even a significant cultural activity for the indigenous Pehuenche people, who have built part of their diet around this nutritious seed.
Moreover, the tree acts as a nesting site for different bird species, including some that are endemic to the region. Its thick, scaly leaves offer protection, and its towering height gives birds a vantage point for spotting predators and prey.
In addition to its role as a habitat and food source, the Araucaria also plays a role in soil conservation. Its extensive root system helps prevent soil erosion, particularly important in the mountainous terrains it calls home.
Why and When Did The Araucaria Become The National Tree of Chile?
The Araucaria was designated as the national tree of Chile primarily because of its cultural and historical significance, particularly to the indigenous Mapuche and Pehuenche communities.
These communities have lived in harmony with the Araucaria for centuries, utilizing its pine nuts as a dietary staple. This tree has been a symbol of their cultural identity, resilience, and symbiotic relationship with nature.
Besides its cultural ties, the Araucaria also represents antiquity and endurance. Given its remarkable longevity—some trees have lived over 1,600 years—it stands as a symbol of Chile’s rich natural history and the enduring spirit of its people.
However, the Araucaria’s status as a national symbol has not been without controversy. Conservationists and indigenous groups have clashed with logging interests, as the tree’s wood is valuable for construction and furniture-making.
The fact that it has been declared an endangered species further complicates matters, making the need for its preservation an issue of national and ecological importance.

Where is the Araucaria Featured in Chile?
While the Araucaria doesn’t appear on the Chilean flag or official emblems, its cultural presence is undeniable. It prominently features in art, folklore, and has even made its way into tourism brochures as an iconic symbol of the Chilean landscape.
You’ll often find it featured in national parks, like the Conguillío National Park, which is a major attraction for visitors wanting to see these ancient giants up close.
Names of the Araucaria
The Araucaria is known by several names which reflect its cultural and scientific classification. In scientific circles, it goes by its Latin name, Araucaria araucana. Among the indigenous Mapuche and Pehuenche people, it is fondly called Pehuén.
In some areas, it’s also known simply as the “Chilean Pine,” although it is not a true pine. The name “Araucaria” itself is derived from the Arauco province in Chile, a nod to its geographic origins.
Interesting Facts About The Araucaria
- Historical Antiquity: The genetic lineage of the Araucaria dates back approximately 240 million years. Walking through a forest of these trees is like taking a step back in time.
- The Piñoneo Ritual: Harvesting of pine nuts, known as “the piñoneo,” is an ancestral practice that has become a tourist attraction. It is so significant that only chosen individuals participate in it.
- Gender-Specific Harvesting: Contrary to most trees that bear fruit or seeds, only female Araucarias produce pine nuts.
- Culinary Delight: The pine nuts are not just food; they are a delicacy used in various Chilean dishes, from salads to Christmas desserts.
- Longevity: The tree lives for an incredibly long time, often surpassing 1,000 years, with some even making it past 1,600 years.
- Endangered Status: Despite its national symbol status, the Araucaria is endangered, mostly limited to a 30,000-hectare area.
- Role in Ecosystem: Beyond providing food and shelter for various species, the tree also contributes to soil conservation.
- Cultural Significance: Its cultural importance is so embedded that it has been declared a Natural Monument, a conservation status aimed at ensuring its survival.

Other Beautiful Trees Native To Chile
- Coigüe (Nothofagus dombeyi) – A deciduous tree that often shares its habitat with the Araucaria.
- Lenga (Nothofagus pumilio) – Known for its beautiful autumn foliage.
- Quillay (Quillaja saponaria) – Its bark is used in the production of soap.
- Algarrobo (Prosopis chilensis) – A flowering tree whose pods are commonly used in Chilean cuisine.
- Peumo (Cryptocarya alba) – A native evergreen tree that provides habitat for various bird species.
What Is The National Flower of Chile?
The Copihue (Lapageria rosea) is the national flower of Chile. This beautiful flower is a climbing plant and is native to the temperate rainforests of Chile. It blooms in a striking red or pink and is cherished as a symbol of love and freedom.
Unlike the Araucaria, it’s not endangered but is still protected under the law. It’s as much a part of Chilean identity as the Araucaria and makes frequent appearances in Chilean folklore and celebrations.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is the Araucaria considered endangered?
The primary threats to the Araucaria are deforestation and over-harvesting of its pine nuts. Conservation efforts are in place to try and protect this ancient tree.
Can the Araucaria grow outside Chile?
Yes, although native to Chile and Argentina, it has been successfully cultivated in other parts of the world with similar climates, such as the Pacific Northwest in the United States.
How tall can an Araucaria grow?
The Araucaria can grow up to 50 meters high (approximately 164 feet).
What do the Araucaria pine nuts taste like?
The pine nuts, also known as Piñón, have a unique, slightly sweet, and nutty flavor. They are highly nutritious, rich in proteins and minerals.
What is the significance of the Araucaria in Chilean culture?
The Araucaria is a symbol of the indigenous Mapuche and Pehuenche people and holds cultural, historical, and ecological importance. It’s a part of religious rituals, folklore, and even the culinary landscape of Chile.
Is the Araucaria used in any traditional Chilean dishes?
Yes, the pine nuts (Piñón) harvested from the Araucaria are used in a variety of dishes ranging from bread and pasta to more specialized traditional meals.