The letter B brings a wide variety of fascinating fish species, from the powerful Barracuda to the colorful Blue Tang. These fish are found in diverse habitats, ranging from freshwater streams to deep oceans.
Many of these species, like the Bluefin Tuna and Blacktip Shark, are well-known to anglers and marine enthusiasts alike, while others, such as the Bitterling and Bumphead Parrotfish, are less familiar but equally interesting.
This list highlights scientifically recognized fish species starting with the letter B, providing a valuable resource for anyone looking to explore the diversity of aquatic life.
List of Fish That Start With B
You can click the links to read the individual animal fact sheets!
- Barracuda
- Blue Tang
- Barb
- Betta Fish
- Bluefin Tuna
- Black Marlin
- Blacktip Shark
- Banded Archerfish
- Bigeye Tuna
- Bluefish
- Blenny
- Bonefish
- Butterflyfish
- Basking Shark
- Brook Trout
- Brown Trout
- Bitterling
- Bumphead Parrotfish
- Banded Killifish
- Black Ghost Knifefish
- Bluegill
- Bocaccio Rockfish
- Black Drum
- Blue Catfish
- Bull Shark
- Bigmouth Buffalo
- Bowmouth Guitarfish
- Batfish
- Blue Pike
- Blind Cave Fish
- Bigeye Emperor
- Bicolor Goatfish
- Black Swallower
- Black Neon Tetra
- Barred Sand Bass
- Black Rockfish
- Black Triggerfish
- Blackchin Tilapia
- Bluespotted Ribbontail Ray
- Blackspot Snapper
- Blue Trevally
- Blackspotted Puffer
- Blue Ribbon Eel
- Blue Shark
- Blacktip Grouper
- Black Lined Rasbora
- Bigeye Soldierfish
- Blacktail Shiner
- Blackspotted Wrasse
- Black Pomfret
- Blue Parrotfish
- Bluebanded Goby
- Black Angelfish
- Bicolor Blenny
- Banana Wrasse
More Fish Lists By First Letter
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- Fish that start with B
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