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51 Fish That Start With E

Fish species beginning with the letter E showcase a variety of fascinating creatures from both freshwater and saltwater environments.

The Electric Eel is one of the most famous examples, known for its ability to generate electricity, while species like the Emperor Angelfish are admired for their stunning colors. This list includes many scientifically recognized fish species starting with E, covering a broad spectrum of shapes, sizes, and habitats.

List of Fish That Start With E

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  1. Eel
  2. Electric Eel
  3. Emperor Angelfish
  4. European Perch
  5. Eagle Ray
  6. Elephantfish
  7. Eastern Happy
  8. European Eel
  9. Emerald Goby
  10. Endler’s Livebearer
  11. Epaulette Shark
  12. Egyptian Mouthbrooder
  13. Elongated Hatchetfish
  14. Elegant Firefish
  15. Eastern Mosquitofish
  16. Eurasian Ruffe
  17. Eel-tailed Catfish
  18. Eastern Mudminnow
  19. Ethiopian Barb
  20. Electric Catfish
  21. Elegant Cichlid
  22. Emerald Shiner
  23. Ember Tetra
  24. Emperor Tetra
  25. Emperor Snapper
  26. Endemic Wrasse
  27. Eastern Rainbowfish
  28. Elasmobranch (Sharks and Rays)
  29. Elegant Puffer
  30. Euclichthys Polymnus (Eucla Cod)
  31. Elongated Danio
  32. Elongated Betta
  33. Eelskin Catfish
  34. Emerald Wrasse
  35. Eastern Sea Garfish
  36. Eastern Red Scorpionfish
  37. Eastern Blue Groper
  38. Elops (Ladyfish)
  39. Epiplatys
  40. Eastern Pike
  41. Eastern Striped Grunter
  42. Elongated Loach
  43. Eared Sea Catfish
  44. Eastern Gobbleguts
  45. Eastern King Wrasse
  46. Electric Ray
  47. Eastern Halfbeak
  48. Elegant Blenny
  49. Emerald Catfish
  50. Eastern Starry Skate
  51. Eastern Frogfish

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