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49 Fish That Start With H

Fish species that start with the letter H include some of the most iconic and diverse creatures in the aquatic world. From the powerful Hammerhead Shark to the colorful Harlequin Rasbora, this list showcases a wide range of marine and freshwater fish.

The Humphead Wrasse and Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse are popular among divers, while species like Herring and Haddock are well-known commercially. Whether you’re exploring exotic species or familiar favorites, this guide provides a comprehensive look at fish that start with H.

List of Fish That Start With H

  1. Haddock
  2. Halfmoon
  3. Hammerhead Shark
  4. Harlequin Rasbora
  5. Hardhead Catfish
  6. Hawaiian Dascyllus
  7. Herring
  8. Horse-eye Jack
  9. Hogfish
  10. Horn Shark
  11. Hillstream Loach
  12. Humphead Wrasse
  13. Humboldt Squid
  14. Halibut
  15. Horseface Loach
  16. Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse
  17. Halfbeak
  18. Humpback Snapper
  19. Humpback Anglerfish
  20. Humuhumunukunukuapua’a (Reef Triggerfish)
  21. Harlequin Tuskfish
  22. Hairtail
  23. Helostoma (Kissing Gourami)
  24. Hoki
  25. Hogchoker
  26. Humpback Grouper
  27. Highfin Catfish
  28. Huchen
  29. Hickory Shad
  30. Horseshoe Leatherjacket
  31. Hillstream Catfish
  32. Horse Mackerel
  33. Hairfin Anchovy
  34. Horsefish
  35. Hairtail Blenny
  36. Hollowhead Catfish
  37. Humphead Cichlid
  38. Hind
  39. Hardnose Shark
  40. Helmet Gurnard
  41. Humpback Grouper
  42. Halfmoon Betta
  43. Harbor Seal Shark
  44. Horned Blenny
  45. Hawaiian Flagtail
  46. Horseshoe Wrasse
  47. Hypostomus Catfish
  48. Hillstream Pleco
  49. Hammerjaw

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