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52 Fish That Start With M

Fish species beginning with the letter M are some of the most diverse and fascinating creatures found in aquatic environments. From the popular Mahi-Mahi and Marlin, known for their speed and strength, to the unique Mudskipper and Mandarinfish, this list offers a wide variety of species from both saltwater and freshwater habitats.

Other notable species include the Moorish Idol, a favorite among marine aquarists, and the massive Mekong Giant Catfish, one of the largest freshwater fish in the world. This guide provides a comprehensive look at scientifically recognized fish that start with M.

List of Fish That Start With M

You can click the links to read the individual animal fact sheets!

  1. Mahi-Mahi
  2. Mandarinfish
  3. Marlin
  4. Manta Ray
  5. Mexican Tetra
  6. Milkfish
  7. Moray Eel
  8. Muskellunge
  9. Mudskipper
  10. Marine Betta
  11. Moonfish
  12. Mozambique Tilapia
  13. Mountain Whitefish
  14. Moorish Idol
  15. Malabar Trevally
  16. Malawi Cichlid
  17. Macrouridae (Grenadiers)
  18. Madagascar Rainbowfish
  19. Mandarin Goby
  20. Metallic Catfish
  21. Mekong Giant Catfish
  22. Mirror Carp
  23. Marine Angelfish
  24. Montana Grayling
  25. Mud Catfish
  26. Marbled Goby
  27. Mimic Surgeonfish
  28. Marbled Sleeper
  29. Mexican Pike
  30. Mad Tom Catfish
  31. Mojarra
  32. Marbled Hatchetfish
  33. Minke Whale Fish
  34. Marbled Blenny
  35. Mottled Sculpin
  36. Murray Cod
  37. Macquarie Perch
  38. Megalodon (Extinct)
  39. Moon Wrasse
  40. Mud Snapper
  41. Midas Cichlid
  42. Montagu’s Blenny
  43. Marine Catfish
  44. Mud Minnow
  45. Mexican Blind Cavefish
  46. Mosaic Gourami
  47. Marine Stickleback
  48. Mouth Almighty
  49. Mangrove Snapper
  50. Mud Eel
  51. Marblefish
  52. Marbled Rockcod

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