Fish species starting with the letter N include a fascinating variety of both freshwater and saltwater fish. Popular species such as the Napoleon Wrasse and Nile Perch are known for their impressive size, while smaller fish like the Neon Tetra and Neon Goby are popular choices for aquariums.
From the deep-sea Netted Dragonfish to the widely recognized Northern Pike, this list covers a wide range of scientifically recognized fish starting with N.
List of Fish That Start With N
- Napoleon Wrasse
- Nile Perch
- Northern Pike
- Neon Tetra
- Nurse Shark
- New Zealand Sand Diver
- Needlefish
- Nematode Goby
- Niger Triggerfish
- Netted Dragonfish
- Narrow-barred Spanish Mackerel
- Nassau Grouper
- Northern Stargazer
- Namorado Sandperch
- Noodlefish
- Naked-back Knifefish
- Northern Searobin
- Nodding Goby
- New Guinea Tigerfish
- North Pacific Cod
- Neon Goby
- Northern Madtom
- Northern Snakehead
- Nannygai
- Norfolk Spot
- North Atlantic Rightfish
- Narrow-lined Puffer
- Northern Flyingfish
- Nooksack Dace
- Nimbapanchax
- Norwegian Haddock
- Nandu Catfish
- Northern Cardinalfish
- New World Silverside
- Nicaraguan Cichlid
- North Sea Dab
- Napoleonfish
- Neon Blue Goby
- Namibian Sand Shark
- Netted Wrasse
- Northern Threadfin
- Nannostomus (Pencilfish)
- Norwegian Redfish
- Neon Rainbowfish
- Northern Barracuda
- North Sea Flounder
- Namibian Catshark
- Norfolk Angelfish
- Northern Sole
- Needlespine Halfbeak
- Namibian Goby
- Neon Angelfish
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