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52 Fish That Start With T

Fish species starting with the letter T cover a wide range of both freshwater and saltwater species, including some of the most popular game fish in the world. The Tarpon, Tiger Shark, and Tuna are well-known for their size and strength, while species like the Tilapia and Trout are commonly found in fisheries and aquariums.

Other interesting species include the colorful Triggerfish and the unusual Trumpetfish. This guide provides a comprehensive look at scientifically recognized fish species that start with T.

List of Fish That Start With T

You can click the links to read the individual animal fact sheets!

  1. Tarpon
  2. Tiger Shark
  3. Tilapia
  4. Trout
  5. Tuna
  6. Triggerfish
  7. Threadfin
  8. Three-spined Stickleback
  9. Tigerfish
  10. Toadfish
  11. Tilefish
  12. Thornback Ray
  13. Trumpetfish
  14. Tench
  15. Trevally
  16. Turquoise Killifish
  17. Thresher Shark
  18. Torpedo Ray
  19. Tiger Barb
  20. Tongue Sole
  21. Tasselled Wobbegong
  22. Tailspot Blenny
  23. Tompot Blenny
  24. Tripod Fish
  25. Tiger Loach
  26. Thinlip Mullet
  27. Twospot Wrasse
  28. Threadfin Bream
  29. Tasseled Filefish
  30. Tropical Gar
  31. Torpedo Goby
  32. Tiger Grouper
  33. Titan Triggerfish
  34. Threadfin Shad
  35. Thicklip Grey Mullet
  36. Tommy Ruff
  37. Twilight Wrasse
  38. Tiger Moray Eel
  39. Tadpole Fish
  40. Thorny Catfish
  41. Tiger Perch
  42. Torpedo Scad
  43. Threadfin Jack
  44. Tiger Danio
  45. Thread-sail Filefish
  46. Threebanded Butterflyfish
  47. Tiger Snapper
  48. Toothfish
  49. Tropical Snook
  50. Tiger Goby
  51. Turbot
  52. Two-line Monocle Bream

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