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23 Fish That Start With V

Fish species starting with the letter V include a mix of both deep-sea and freshwater fish, some of which are particularly known for their striking appearances. The Viperfish is a deep-sea predator known for its fearsome teeth and bioluminescent lure, while the Vermilion Snapper is a popular choice among anglers.

Other species, such as the Velvet Catfish and Violet Goby, are commonly kept in aquariums. This guide highlights a variety of scientifically recognized fish species that start with V.

List of Fish That Start With V

You can click the links to read the individual animal fact sheets!

  1. Viperfish
  2. Vermilion Snapper
  3. Velvet Catfish
  4. Vanjaram (Indian Kingfish)
  5. Variable Platy
  6. Venomous Blenny
  7. Violet Goby
  8. Volitan Lionfish
  9. Variegated Wrasse
  10. Vancouver Lamprey
  11. Vandellia
  12. Veiltail Betta
  13. Velvet Darter
  14. Victoria Perch
  15. Vermilion Rockfish
  16. Vampire Catfish
  17. Velvet Goby
  18. Vanilla Cichlid
  19. Vladivostok Loach
  20. Velvet Angelfish
  21. Velvet Swordtail
  22. Variable Molly
  23. Volcano Killifish

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