Fish species starting with the letter V include a mix of both deep-sea and freshwater fish, some of which are particularly known for their striking appearances. The Viperfish is a deep-sea predator known for its fearsome teeth and bioluminescent lure, while the Vermilion Snapper is a popular choice among anglers.
Other species, such as the Velvet Catfish and Violet Goby, are commonly kept in aquariums. This guide highlights a variety of scientifically recognized fish species that start with V.
List of Fish That Start With V
You can click the links to read the individual animal fact sheets!
- Viperfish
- Vermilion Snapper
- Velvet Catfish
- Vanjaram (Indian Kingfish)
- Variable Platy
- Venomous Blenny
- Violet Goby
- Volitan Lionfish
- Variegated Wrasse
- Vancouver Lamprey
- Vandellia
- Veiltail Betta
- Velvet Darter
- Victoria Perch
- Vermilion Rockfish
- Vampire Catfish
- Velvet Goby
- Vanilla Cichlid
- Vladivostok Loach
- Velvet Angelfish
- Velvet Swordtail
- Variable Molly
- Volcano Killifish
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- Fish that start with V
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