The cheetah, known for its incredible speed, is one of nature’s most fascinating predators. As the world’s fastest land animal, its diet plays a critical role in its agility and overall health.
But what exactly does a cheetah feast on? Understanding the dietary habits of the cheetah provides insights not only into the species itself but also into the broader ecosystem in which it plays a vital role.
What Do Cheetahs Eat?
The cheetah’s diet is primarily carnivorous, consisting of a variety of animals. Here’s a breakdown of their most commonly targeted prey:
- Thomson’s Gazelle: Often favored due to its abundance in the cheetah’s habitats, this small antelope is a primary target for many cheetahs.
- Springbok: Another type of antelope, the springbok provides a nutritious meal, especially in southern parts of Africa.
- Impalas: These medium-sized antelopes are often hunted by cheetahs, especially when found grazing in open grasslands.
- Guinea Fowls and Hares: While larger prey is preferred, cheetahs will also target smaller animals like birds and hares when opportunities arise.
- Other Prey: Occasionally, cheetahs will hunt animals like young wildebeests, birds, and other small mammals. The choice of prey often depends on the cheetah’s specific habitat and the availability of food.
Cheetahs use their remarkable speed to chase down and catch their prey, but speed alone isn’t their only asset. Their keen eyesight allows them to spot potential meals from a distance, and their stealthy approach ensures a higher success rate during hunts.

What Do Asiatic Cheetahs Eat?
The Asiatic cheetah, a now critically endangered subspecies found primarily in the arid regions of Iran, has a diet that reflects its distinct habitat:
- Goitered Gazelle: This species of gazelle is native to Asia and is a significant source of food for the Asiatic cheetah.
- Chinkara (Indian Gazelle): Predominantly found in the Indian subcontinent, this gazelle has historically been part of the Asiatic cheetah’s diet.
- Wild Sheep and Goats: In the rocky terrains of Iran, wild sheep and goats become viable prey options for the cheetah.
- Smaller Prey: Just like their African counterparts, Asiatic cheetahs will also resort to smaller prey like birds and hares when larger meals are scarce.
The Asiatic cheetah’s diet is a testament to its adaptability. Despite the challenges of an ever-reducing habitat and decreasing prey availability, this subspecies has managed to survive, albeit in severely reduced numbers.
What Do Baby Cheetahs Eat?
Just like most large cat species, cheetah cubs have a different diet than their adult counterparts. Here’s an overview of their dietary transition:
- First Few Weeks: Cheetah cubs are born blind and helpless. During their initial weeks, they rely exclusively on their mother’s milk for nourishment.
- Transition to Meat: Starting from around 6 weeks of age, the mother will begin introducing her cubs to meat. Initially, she might bring back small, easy-to-digest prey, allowing the cubs to get accustomed to the taste and texture.
- Learning to Hunt: As the cubs grow and become more active, the mother teaches them hunting techniques, often using injured prey as practice. This hands-on experience prepares the cubs for independent life.
- Adulthood: By the age of about 18 months, most cheetah cubs are competent hunters and will gradually start relying less on their mother for food. By 2 years of age, they’re typically independent and consuming the same diet as adult cheetahs.

The Cheetah’s Hunting Grounds and Techniques
A cheetah’s preferred hunting grounds are as unique as its hunting style:
- Open Grasslands: These areas provide cheetahs with the vast space they need to accelerate and achieve their impressive speeds. The tall grasses also offer some level of camouflage, enabling them to stalk their prey closely before launching an attack.
- Semi-desert Regions: Especially in places like Namibia, cheetahs have adapted to hunting in more arid environments where prey might be scarcer but still present.
- Wooded Grasslands: While they prefer open spaces, cheetahs can also hunt in regions with sparse tree cover.
In terms of technique:
- Stalk: Cheetahs approach their prey silently, using tall grass and low elevations to remain unseen.
- Sprint: Once close enough, typically within 50 to 60 meters, the cheetah will launch a lightning-fast sprint towards its target.
- Takedown: Using their dewclaw, they trip the prey, then use their strong jaws to suffocate it, typically aiming for the throat.
It’s important to note that cheetahs have a relatively low success rate, with only about half of their chases resulting in a meal. This is partly because of the tremendous energy expenditure during the sprint, which leaves them exhausted.
Where Do Cheetahs Eat?
Once they’ve secured a meal, cheetahs have a few typical behaviors concerning where they consume their catch:
Immediate Consumption: Due to the threat of scavengers like hyenas or lions stealing their meal, cheetahs usually start eating their prey immediately after the kill. This is especially crucial for female cheetahs with cubs to feed.
Under Cover: While they might hunt in the open, cheetahs often drag their prey to bush or shaded areas to eat in relative peace and to stay out of direct sunlight.
Eating Quickly: A cheetah’s feast is often a race against time. They consume as much of the catch as they can before larger predators arrive. If threatened, a cheetah will typically abandon its meal to avoid confrontation, given that they’re built for speed, not fighting.
This behavior reflects the cheetah’s position in the predator hierarchy and its evolutionary adaptations, which prioritize flight over fight.

How Much Does a Cheetah Eat?
Understanding the quantity of food a cheetah consumes is vital for comprehending its energy needs and hunting frequency:
Daily Requirement: On average, an adult cheetah consumes between 2.5 to 3 kg (5.5 to 6.6 lbs) of meat per day. This, however, is a rough estimate and can vary based on the individual, their activity level, and the availability of prey.
Bigger Meals, Less Often: Unlike some predators that eat small amounts frequently, cheetahs often gorge on a substantial kill and then may not eat for a couple of days. After a successful hunt of a larger prey item, like a gazelle, a cheetah might consume up to 10 kg (22 lbs) in a single meal.
Energy Conservation: The tremendous energy expenditure during a chase means that cheetahs need a significant intake of food to replenish. However, if they fail in several attempts, they might rest and conserve energy before trying again.
How Do Cheetahs Eat?
Once they have their prey, the way cheetahs consume it is both efficient and cautious:
Quick Start: As previously mentioned, due to the threat of scavengers or larger predators, cheetahs begin eating soon after the kill. They usually start with the nutrient-rich parts like the liver and the heart.
Methodical Consumption: Cheetahs aren’t bone-crushers. They’ll consume the flesh and avoid larger bones. The skin of larger animals is often left uneaten.
Always Alert: Even while eating, a cheetah is always on the lookout. Every few minutes, it’ll raise its head and survey its surroundings, ensuring no threats are approaching.
Minimal Waste: While they may leave behind parts they can’t consume, cheetahs try to eat as much as they can from a kill, especially since their next successful hunt is never guaranteed.

When and How Much Do Cheetahs Drink?
While meat is their primary source of sustenance, water plays a significant role in a cheetah’s life:
Infrequent Drinkers: Cheetahs, especially those in arid regions, don’t drink water daily. They can go three to four days without drinking, deriving moisture from the blood and tissues of their prey.
Opportunistic Drinkers: When water is available, cheetahs will drink. After a meal, if water is nearby, a cheetah might drink to aid digestion.
Dangers at the Waterhole: Drinking spots are often frequented by other predators and larger animals. Cheetahs approach waterholes cautiously, always ready to flee at the slightest hint of danger.
The Evolution of the Cheetah’s Diet
As with all species, the cheetah’s dietary habits have evolved over time in response to changes in their environment, competition, and available prey:
Historical Prey: Fossil evidence suggests that the ancient relatives of today’s cheetahs had a diet that included a variety of ungulates, some of which are now extinct.
Adapting to Competition: Cheetahs have historically had to compete with other large predators for food. This competition has influenced their hunting habits, pushing them towards daytime hunting, while most big cats are nocturnal.
Changing Habitats: As habitats have changed due to climate fluctuations and human intervention, so has the availability of prey. Cheetahs have had to adapt their diet accordingly, sometimes targeting smaller or different animals than they historically might have.

Threats to the Cheetah’s Food Supply
The modern world poses several threats to the cheetah’s food sources, which in turn jeopardizes their survival:
Habitat Loss: As grasslands are converted to farmland or urbanized, the natural habitat of both cheetahs and their prey shrinks, leading to reduced food availability.
Human-Wildlife Conflict: In areas where livestock is raised, cheetahs might prey on domesticated animals, leading to retaliatory killings by humans.
Climate Change: Changing weather patterns can affect the distribution and numbers of prey animals, forcing cheetahs to adapt or face food scarcity.
Competition from Other Predators: Lions and hyenas, who can drive cheetahs off their kills, further threaten the cheetah’s ability to feed itself consistently.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do cheetahs eat zebras?
Cheetahs rarely eat zebras. While they might prey on young or weak zebras, adult zebras are generally too large and powerful for cheetahs to tackle.
Do cheetahs eat humans?
No. Cheetahs are not known to see humans as prey and there are minimal reports of cheetah attacks on humans.
Do cheetahs eat lions?
No. Lions are apex predators and often pose a threat to cheetahs, not the other way around.
Do cheetahs eat giraffes?
Cheetahs eat only young giraffes. Adult giraffes are too large, but vulnerable young ones might be targeted.
Do cheetahs eat hyenas?
No. While they might have confrontations, cheetahs do not prey on hyenas.
Do cheetahs eat gazelles?
Yes. Gazelles are among the primary prey for cheetahs.
Do cheetahs eat elephants?
No. Elephants are far too large for cheetahs to prey upon.
Do cheetahs eat leopards?
No. Both are predators and might compete for prey, but they don’t eat each other.
Do cheetahs eat grass?
Occasionally, cheetahs might consume grass, possibly to help with digestion or to induce vomiting, much like domestic cats.
Do cheetahs eat baboons?
It’s uncommon, but if the opportunity presents itself, especially with young baboons, cheetahs might take the chance.
Do cheetahs eat snakes?
Not typically. While they can eat small reptiles, snakes aren’t a primary food source.
Do cheetahs eat birds?
Yes, cheetahs can eat birds, especially ground-dwelling birds like guinea fowls.
Do cheetahs eat wildebeest?
Young wildebeests can be prey for cheetahs, but adults are generally too large for them to handle.
Other Articles to Learn More About Cheetahs
- Cheetah: Characteristics, Diet, Facts & More [Fact Sheet]
- Cheetah vs. Leopard: Key Differences and Who Would Win a Fight?
- Cheetah Sounds: What Sounds Do Cheetahs Make, Why and When?
- How Strong is a Cheetah? How Do They Compare With Other Big Cats?
- How Many Types of Cheetahs Are There? A Look at Their Different Subspecies
- Are Cheetahs Friendly? Can They Be Pets?
- Where Do Cheetahs Sleep? All About Their Sleeping Habits
- How High Can a Cheetah Jump?