The golden grasslands of Africa conjure up images of powerful predators ruling the savannah with unchallenged dominance. Among them, the cheetah stands out, not for its power, but for its remarkable speed. Cheetahs are nature’s sports cars, built for bursts of incredible acceleration, capable of reaching 60 mph in mere seconds.
This impressive feat often leads many to believe that cheetahs are untouched and unthreatened. However, the reality is far different. Beneath the swift elegance of the cheetah lies a life fraught with danger, where threats loom both from the animal kingdom and beyond.
This article sheds light on these lesser-known aspects of the cheetah’s existence, exploring the various predators and challenges they encounter.
The Top 5 Predators of Cheetahs

Often termed the ‘King of the Jungle’, lions hold significant sway over the territories they share with cheetahs. They see cheetahs as competition. While adult cheetahs can sometimes evade lions with their speed, their cubs are not so fortunate. Lions, more often than not, kill young cheetahs to decrease competition for food in the future, ensuring their cubs have less competition for resources.

With their cunning and pack behavior, hyenas are opportunistic predators, always on the lookout for an easy meal. They’re notorious for robbing cheetahs of their hard-earned kills. But the threat isn’t just theft. In skirmishes over territory or food, hyenas might overpower and kill solo cheetahs, and they especially target vulnerable cubs left hidden by hunting mothers.

Solitary and stealthy, leopards share a lot in common with cheetahs, including their preference in prey. This overlap often leads to confrontations. Due to their robust physique and ambush hunting style, leopards can pose a severe threat, especially to young, inexperienced cheetahs or unguarded cubs.

The skies are not entirely safe for cheetahs either. Large birds of prey, particularly the martial eagle, possess the power and precision to snatch away young cheetah cubs, especially if they stray too far from the protective watch of their mothers.

The most unpredictable predator of all. Humans threaten cheetahs in numerous ways. Direct threats include poaching for their beautiful spotted pelts or capturing them for the illegal pet trade.
Indirectly, habitat destruction, road accidents, and conflicts with farmers protecting livestock also endanger cheetah populations. As expanding human populations claim more land for agriculture and settlements, cheetahs are finding fewer places to hide.
How Do Cheetahs Protect Themselves?
Cheetahs may not be the most formidable predators on the African savannah, but they are among the most adaptable. Their survival strategies have evolved over millennia to cope with a variety of threats.
Speed: This is the cheetah’s primary defense mechanism. When faced with danger, a cheetah’s first instinct is often to flee rather than fight. Their slender bodies, designed for incredible acceleration and short bursts of top speed, allow them to escape many would-be predators before the threat becomes imminent.
Camouflage: At first glance, the cheetah’s striking spotted coat might seem conspicuous. However, amidst the dappled light and shadow of the tall savannah grasses, it’s a masterful disguise. This camouflage allows cheetahs to avoid detection, whether they’re stalking prey or hiding from larger predators.
Avoidance: Cheetahs are diurnal, preferring to hunt during the day, especially in the early morning or late afternoon. This timing allows them to avoid the peak hunting times of nocturnal predators like lions and hyenas. By keeping out of these predators’ way, cheetahs reduce the chances of direct confrontations.
Hiding Cubs: Reproduction is crucial for species survival, and cheetah mothers are fiercely protective of their young. Knowing the vulnerability of her cubs, the mother will hide them in thickets, tall grass, or other concealed locations. She frequently moves her cubs to new hiding spots to ensure that predators cannot easily track them down. When she goes hunting, she leaves them hidden, returning quietly to check and feed them.

The Impact of Predation on Cheetah Population
The circle of life in the wild is a delicate balance, and cheetahs play a pivotal role in this ecosystem. But with the odds seemingly stacked against them, how does predation impact their overall numbers?
Natural Predators: Lions, hyenas, and leopards are among the chief threats to cheetahs, especially their vulnerable cubs. While adult cheetahs can often escape from these predators, their young are not always so lucky. It’s estimated that up to 90% of cheetah cubs don’t reach adulthood due to predation.
Habitat Loss: The shrinking of natural habitats due to human activities exacerbates predation challenges. As territories become smaller and overlapping becomes common, the chances of confrontations with other predators increase, leading to higher mortality rates among cheetahs.
Human Interference: In addition to habitat loss, human actions, like setting up snares for other animals, can unintentionally catch and kill cheetahs. Moreover, human settlements often lead to the disruption of the cheetah’s natural prey base, pushing them to hunt livestock and, in return, facing retaliation from humans.
While predation is a natural part of the ecosystem, the increasing pressures from human interference and habitat loss amplify its impact on cheetah populations, making their conservation more critical than ever.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do lions eat cheetahs?
While lions will kill cheetahs, especially the young ones, they typically do this to reduce competition, not for food.
Do hyenas eat cheetahs?
Hyenas are more likely to steal a cheetah’s kill than to prey on the cheetahs themselves, but they will not hesitate to kill a cheetah if the opportunity arises.
Do leopards eat cheetahs?
Leopards and cheetahs vie for similar prey. Leopards might kill especially young cheetahs, though such instances are not frequent.
Do tigers eat cheetahs?
Tigers and cheetahs don’t share the same habitat, so this is an unlikely scenario. Historically, where their ranges might have overlapped, tigers being apex predators might have posed a threat.
Do people eat cheetahs?
Consuming cheetah meat is not a common practice. However, cheetahs face threats from humans mainly due to habitat encroachment, poaching for skins, and revenge killings for livestock losses.
Do jackals pose a threat to cheetahs?
Jackals might prey on cheetah cubs or steal food but are not a direct threat to adult cheetahs.
Other Articles to Learn More About Cheetahs
- Cheetah: Characteristics, Diet, Facts & More [Fact Sheet]
- How Strong is a Cheetah? How Do They Compare With Other Big Cats?
- How Many Types of Cheetahs Are There? A Look at Their Different Subspecies
- Are Cheetahs Friendly? Can They Be Pets?
- Where Do Cheetahs Sleep? All About Their Sleeping Habits
- How High Can a Cheetah Jump?
- Why Do Cheetahs Have Spots? Exploring The Different Reasons
- What Do Baby Cheetahs Eat? A Fascinating Look At Their Diet