The animal kingdom is full of interesting terminologies. From a murder of crows to a parliament of owls, the English language boasts a plethora of unique and sometimes perplexing names for groups of animals.
Among these, one of the most recognized and celebrated is the collective noun for the king of the jungle and his family. So, when we gaze out over the African savanna and see a magnificent group of lions lounging under the sun or coordinating a hunt, what exactly do we call this assembly?
What is a Group of Lions Called?
A group of lions is called a pride.
The word ‘pride’ in this context is not merely a reflection of our admiration for these majestic creatures, but it has historical and linguistic significance. The term ‘pride’ as used for lions can be traced back to the Middle Ages and has etymological roots in the Old English word ‘prūd’, which means brave or valiant.
Lions, with their regal demeanor, fierce hunting prowess, and central role in many cultures and mythologies, were often associated with qualities of bravery, nobility, and strength. Thus, it seems apt that a group of such noble beasts is termed a ‘pride’.
Moreover, the family-oriented nature of lions, their intricate social bonds, and cooperative living further cement the appropriateness of the term. A pride doesn’t merely signify a number; it embodies the intricate relationships, roles, and hierarchies that exist within this collective. It represents a unit that hunts together, raises cubs collectively, and fiercely defends its territory from intruders.
In essence, calling a group of lions a ‘pride’ does not just denote their collective presence. It echoes their regal stature, the importance of family ties in their society, and the valor with which they approach every aspect of their lives.

The Social Structure of a Pride
A lion pride isn’t just a random collection of lions; it is a complex, hierarchical society with well-defined roles and relationships.
Role and Composition of Male Lions
In most prides, one or a few adult males (often two to three) hold dominion. These are usually brothers or close allies, often referred to as a coalition. Their primary role is to protect the pride’s territory from rival males and other threats.
They mark the territory with their scent, patrol the boundaries, and respond to challenges with a fierce display of strength. In return, they enjoy the privileges of mating rights with the lionesses in the pride.
Their reign, however, isn’t eternal. A younger, stronger coalition can challenge and oust the existing males, taking over their position and sometimes causing dramatic changes within the pride.
Role and Composition of Lionesses
The lionesses form the heart and soul of the pride. They are usually related females: mothers, daughters, sisters, and aunts. Lionesses have a strong bond, helping each other in raising cubs and, most crucially, hunting.
While male lions do hunt occasionally, lionesses are the primary hunters, using intricate teamwork to stalk and bring down prey. Their unity and cooperative nature ensure the pride’s survival.
The Place and Importance of Cubs in the Pride
Cubs bring vitality and future security to the pride. Born after a gestation period of around 110 days, these young lions depend entirely on their mothers and the pride for protection and nourishment. As they grow, they learn the nuances of lion behavior, hunting tactics, and social dynamics from observing and interacting with the adults.
While they bring joy and playfulness, they also face numerous challenges, especially when there’s a change in the male leadership, which might endanger their very existence.

Size and Dynamics of a Pride
The size and dynamics of lion prides can vary greatly depending on several factors.
Typical Size of a Pride: On average, a lion pride consists of about 15 lions, including several adult females, their cubs of varying ages, and one or two adult males. Some prides, however, can be significantly larger with up to 40 members, especially in regions where food is abundant.
Variations Across Different Regions or Habitats: The pride’s size and composition can be influenced by the availability of food and resources. In areas abundant in large prey, you might find bigger prides.
In contrast, regions with scarcer resources might support smaller groups or even solitary lions. The environment plays a pivotal role in shaping the pride’s structure.
How Prides Split or Merge: Over time, as cubs mature and the pride grows in number, it may become challenging to sustain such a large group, especially if the area’s resources can’t support them.
In such instances, prides can split, with a group of lionesses branching out to establish their territories. Mergers, although rarer, can also occur, especially if a pride loses its adult males and is taken over by a coalition from another group.
Territorial Nature of Prides
Territories play a crucial role in the lives of lions. They not only define where a pride lives and hunts but also help maintain a balance in the local ecosystem.
How Prides Establish Territories: Prides claim territories based on the availability of food, water, and suitable denning sites. Establishing a territory involves scent marking, patrolling boundaries, and vocal displays.
Both males and females engage in marking their domain by spraying urine and rubbing their faces on trees, bushes, or the ground, leaving behind a scent. This scent acts as a deterrent for other lions, warning them of an occupied territory.
Interactions Between Neighboring Prides: Territorial disputes are common among lions. If two prides have overlapping territories, it can lead to violent confrontations, especially if resources are scarce.
While lionesses defend their hunting grounds, males often engage in fierce battles to safeguard mating rights and their pride’s cubs. These battles, while intense, rarely result in death, as most disputes are settled through displays of strength and intimidation rather than physical combat.
Roaring as a Method of Territorial Marking: A lion’s roar is not just a sound; it’s a statement. It can be heard up to 5 miles away and serves multiple purposes, one of which is territorial marking.
By roaring, lions announce their presence, deterring rival prides or solitary lions from encroaching on their domain. Roaring also helps in reinforcing the pride’s cohesion, allowing separated members to locate and rejoin the group.

Life Inside the Pride
The intricate dynamics within a lion pride are a fascinating blend of cooperation, social bonding, hierarchy, and occasional conflict.
Daily Activities
A significant portion of a lion’s life is dedicated to rest; they can sleep or lounge for up to 20 hours a day! When not resting, the pride’s activities revolve around hunting, playing, and grooming.
Hunting usually takes place during the cooler hours of dawn or dusk, while the daytime, especially in hot climates, is reserved for rest. Play, especially among cubs, is a vital activity that helps in developing essential life skills, bonding, and reinforcing social hierarchies.
Grooming, or allogrooming, is another key social interaction. It not only helps in cleaning and maintaining their fur but also strengthens social bonds within the pride.
The Advantages of Living in a Group
Life in a pride offers numerous advantages.
- Protection is paramount; there’s safety in numbers. A group can better defend its territory and members against threats.
- Shared Responsibilities ensure that tasks like hunting, rearing cubs, or patrolling boundaries are distributed among members, increasing efficiency and the likelihood of success.
- The pride’s cooperative nature also aids in raising cubs. Lionesses often synchronize their breeding, resulting in multiple litters born around the same time.
This communal approach ensures that there’s always a watchful eye on the young ones, even if some lionesses are away hunting.
How Prides Form and Change Over Time
Evolution, survival instincts, and natural selection have shaped the complex social structures and behaviors of lions. These intricate dynamics often see prides undergo changes, splits, or mergers, which ensure genetic diversity and the survival of the species.
Young Lions and Their Coalition Journey: Once male lions reach sexual maturity, usually around 2 to 3 years of age, they are often expelled from their natal pride by the dominant males.
These young lions then roam as nomads, sometimes forming coalitions with other ousted males, which increases their chances of taking over a pride in the future. These coalitions, often comprising of brothers or close relatives, become a force to reckon with and play a pivotal role in pride dynamics.
Formation of New Prides by Lionesses: While less common than males forming coalitions, lionesses can sometimes decide to break away from their original pride, especially if it becomes too large or if there are internal conflicts. These breakaway groups might then form a new pride or merge with another existing one.
The Tumultuous Dynamic of Pride Takeovers: One of the most dramatic events in the life of a lion pride is a takeover. A rival male or a coalition challenges the dominant male(s) of a pride in fierce battles.
If the challengers win, they assume control of the pride, often leading to infanticide, where the new dominant males kill the cubs fathered by the previous leaders to ensure their genes prevail.

Other Collective Animal Names: A Quick Glimpse
The animal kingdom boasts an array of intriguing collective names. Focusing on the African savannah and other big cats, here are some notable ones:
- Leopard: A group is known as a “Leap.”
- Cheetah: A group, although rare, is termed a “Coalition.”
- Elephants: A close-knit group is famously called a “Herd.”
- Zebras: Their striped assemblies are known as a “Dazzle.”
- Giraffes: Their high-reaching groups are termed a “Tower.”
These names often reflect the characteristics, behaviors, or appearance of the animals in question, adding a layer of poetic imagery to our perception of nature.
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens when a lion is banished from a pride?
Lions, especially young males, are often expelled from their birth pride once they reach maturity. These lions then become nomads, wandering in search of territory or a pride to take over. They might form coalitions with other male lions, which enhances their survival and takeover chances.
How do lions recognize members of their own pride?
Lions use a combination of scent, vocalizations, and visual cues to recognize pride members. Mutual grooming and face rubbing are common ways lions familiarize themselves with each other’s scents.
Are there any solitary lions, and why might a lion choose a solitary life?
While lions are inherently social creatures, some, especially ousted young males or old, dethroned pride leaders, may lead a solitary life until they can find or form a new pride or coalition.
How do prides interact with other animal groups or species in their habitat?
Lions, being apex predators, primarily interact with other species as predators or competitors. They hunt herbivores, maintain wary relationships with hyenas or cheetahs, and might share water sources with animals like elephants or buffaloes, often leading to tension-filled encounters.
Learn More About Lions
- Lion: Characteristics, Diet, Facts & More [Fact Sheet]
- Bear vs. Lion: Key Differences & Who Would Win a Fight?
- Lion Population Explained: Are Lions Endangered?
- Lion vs. Hyena: The Eternal Rivals of the African Savanna
- 25 Fun Facts About Lions You Will Find Fascinating
- Lion Adaptations: Survival Features of The King of The Savanna
- Why Do Baboons Steal Lion Cubs? What Tactics Do They Use?
- What Color is a Lion? An Overview of The Whole Palette
- How Strong is a Lion? Lion Strength Compared With Humans & Other Animals
- Lion vs. Wolf: How Do They Compare & Who Wins in a Fight?