The Zebra dove, scientifically known as Geopelia striata, is a bird species originally native to Southeast Asia, renowned for its gentle temperament and distinctive barred plumage. This small, slender dove, characterized by its soft cooing, made its way to the Hawaiian Islands in the 1920s.
Since then, it has not only adapted to but also flourished in the Hawaiian environment, becoming one of the most commonly seen birds across the main islands. The story of the Zebra dove in Hawaii is a fascinating example of how an introduced species can integrate into and significantly alter a new ecosystem.
Zebra Doves in The Hawaiian Ecosystem
In Hawaii, Zebra doves have demonstrated remarkable adaptability, becoming a widespread species throughout the islands. Their success can be attributed to their ability to thrive in a variety of habitats, but they are most commonly seen in urban and suburban areas.
Here, they often coexist with other bird species, particularly pigeons, with whom they share feeding grounds and roosting areas. Zebra doves are frequently observed foraging for food scraps in busy areas like restaurant patios and public parks, a testament to their ability to cohabit alongside humans and other bird species.
Despite their smaller size compared to pigeons, Zebra doves hold their own, actively participating in the competition for food resources.

Impact on Local Wildlife and Environment
The introduction and proliferation of Zebra doves in Hawaii have not been without ecological consequences. One significant concern is their potential role as vectors for avian malaria, a disease that poses a serious threat to Hawaii’s native bird populations.
Unlike the Zebra dove and other introduced bird species, many of Hawaii’s endemic birds have not developed immunity to avian malaria, making them particularly susceptible to the disease.
This vulnerability has raised concerns about the long-term impact of non-native species like the Zebra dove on the delicate balance of Hawaii’s island ecosystems.
Furthermore, the Zebra dove’s success as an invasive species raises broader questions about the ecological impacts of introduced fauna. While they have seamlessly integrated into Hawaii’s urban landscapes, their presence underscores the challenges of managing non-native species in a way that minimizes adverse effects on native wildlife and their habitats.
The story of the Zebra dove in Hawaii serves as a compelling case study for understanding the complexities and unforeseen consequences of species introduction in sensitive ecological zones.

Physical Characteristics and Behavior
The Zebra dove, a small and elegant bird, exhibits a distinctive appearance that sets it apart from other dove species. Adults typically measure about 20-23 centimeters in length, making them significantly smaller than the common pigeons they often accompany.
Their plumage is primarily light brown-gray, marked with fine, black barring patterns, which are especially prominent on the neck and upper parts, giving them their zebra-like appearance. These doves have a slender build, with a small head, short beak, and long tail, which they often fan out.
One of the most interesting features of the Zebra dove is its ‘powder down’ feathers. Unlike typical feathers, these specialized feathers gradually disintegrate into a fine powder.
This powder plays a crucial role in the bird’s hygiene, helping to clean and waterproof their other feathers. When the dove preens, it spreads this powder throughout its plumage, which aids in removing dirt and parasites.
Behaviorally, Zebra doves are known for their gentle and unobtrusive nature. They are ground feeders, often seen foraging for seeds and insects, and display a characteristic bobbing motion of the head when walking. Their call is a soft, repetitive cooing, which is a familiar sound in their inhabited areas.

Zebra Doves and Human Interaction in Hawaii
In urban and suburban settings of Hawaii, Zebra doves have become a common sight. They have adapted remarkably well to living in close proximity to humans, often seen in groups scavenging for food scraps in outdoor dining areas, parks, and streets.
Their diet in these urban areas often includes bread crumbs, rice, and other food remnants discarded by people, indicating their flexible feeding habits.
The relationship between Zebra doves and humans in Hawaii is largely one of peaceful coexistence. The doves, with their unobtrusive demeanor, have become a familiar and often welcome presence in human-dominated landscapes. They are not known to be aggressive or a nuisance, which has helped them gain a benign reputation among the local populace.
While there are no specific management practices targeting Zebra doves, their adaptability and increasing numbers highlight the need for monitoring their interactions with native species and the ecosystem. Public perception of these birds is generally positive, with many residents and visitors enjoying their gentle presence and soothing calls.
However, awareness of their potential impact as an invasive species is important for maintaining the balance between enjoying their presence and protecting Hawaii’s native biodiversity.

Conservation and Management Efforts
In Hawaii, the management of Zebra dove populations and their impact on native ecosystems is a topic of ongoing concern and study. Given their status as an introduced species and potential vectors of diseases like avian malaria, there is a delicate balance to strike between their presence and the health of native bird populations.
Conservation Strategies: Efforts are primarily focused on protecting Hawaii’s native bird species, many of which are threatened or endangered. This includes habitat restoration, predator control, and measures to prevent the spread of avian diseases.
While direct management of Zebra dove populations is limited, these broader conservation strategies indirectly address the potential negative impacts of non-native species like Zebra doves.
Research and Monitoring: Ongoing research is crucial to understand the ecological dynamics between Zebra doves, native birds, and the spread of diseases. Studies on avian malaria, for example, help in developing strategies to mitigate its transmission. Monitoring of Zebra dove populations and their health also provides insights into the health of the overall ecosystem.
Public Education and Engagement: Educating the public about the importance of native bird conservation and the challenges posed by non-native species is also vital. This includes information on responsible feeding practices and the importance of preserving natural habitats.
Collaboration with Conservation Groups: Collaboration with local and international wildlife conservation groups is essential for developing effective management strategies that consider both the conservation of native species and the ethical treatment of introduced species like the Zebra dove.
Other Doves Found in Hawaii
In addition to the introduced and widespread Zebra dove, Hawaii hosts several other dove species, each with its unique characteristics and origins.
Spotted Dove (Streptopelia chinensis)

Native to Asia, the Spotted Dove was introduced to Hawaii in the late 1800s. This medium-sized dove is distinguishable by its light brownish-gray plumage and a striking black patch with white spots on the neck. It has a long, squared-off tail.
The Spotted Dove inhabits various environments, including urban areas, farmlands, and forests, showing a versatile adaptability similar to the Zebra dove. It is granivorous, feeding predominantly on seeds. Its cooing calls are characteristic and distinct, offering a different acoustic presence compared to the Zebra Dove.
Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura)

Native to North America, the Mourning Dove is another introduced species in Hawaii. It has a light grayish-brown body and a long, pointed tail, with a more subdued coloration than the Spotted or Zebra doves.
Found in grasslands, forests, and urban areas, the Mourning Dove is less widespread than the Zebra and Spotted Doves. It feeds on seeds, fruits, and occasionally insects. Known for its soft, mournful cooing, the Mourning Dove adds to the auditory landscape of Hawaii’s birdlife.
Eurasian Collared Dove (Streptopelia decaocto)

Originally from Eurasia, this species was introduced in the 1970s. This medium-sized dove has pale gray plumage and is notable for its black collar on the back of the neck. The tail is squared off.
Adapting well to urban and suburban areas, parks, and agricultural lands, the Eurasian Collared Dove is versatile in its habitat preferences. It primarily feeds on seeds and grains. Its repetitive cooing calls are a familiar sound in areas where it resides.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Zebra doves native to Hawaii?
No, Zebra doves were introduced to Hawaii in the 1920s from Southeast Asia and have since become widespread across the islands.
Can Zebra doves spread diseases to other birds?
Zebra doves are potential vectors for avian malaria, which poses a significant threat to Hawaii’s native birds that have no natural immunity to this disease.
How can I differentiate a Zebra dove from other doves?
Zebra doves are smaller than many other dove species and have distinctive black-and-white barring on their neck and upper parts, resembling a zebra’s stripes.
Is it okay to feed Zebra doves in urban areas?
While feeding birds in urban areas is a common practice, it’s important to do so responsibly and be aware that feeding can sometimes lead to overpopulation and other ecological imbalances.
What is being done to protect native Hawaiian birds from the impact of species like the Zebra dove?
Efforts include habitat restoration, disease control, predator management, and public education to protect and conserve Hawaii’s native bird species.