Welcome to the enchanting world of 3-letter birds! This article takes you on a journey to discover eight captivating bird species, each with a name consisting of only three letters.
These birds, ranging from the mysterious owl to the vibrant tui, showcase the incredible diversity and beauty of the avian world. They inhabit a variety of ecosystems across the globe, each species playing a unique role in its habitat.
Let’s spread our wings and delve into the lives of these remarkable birds.
3-Letter Bird List

- Scientific Name: Strigiformes (Order)
- Where Found: Worldwide
- Conservation Status: Ranges from Least Concern to Endangered
Owls are known for their distinctive round faces, forward-facing eyes, and nocturnal habits. These birds of prey are found in diverse habitats and are adept hunters, feeding primarily on small mammals, insects, and other birds. Owls have exceptional hearing and silent flight, aiding their nocturnal hunting.
Owls are often associated with wisdom in various cultures and play a crucial role in controlling rodent populations. Their calls vary widely, from the hoots of the great horned owl to the screeches of barn owls.
Did you know? Owls can rotate their heads up to 270 degrees, thanks to their specialized neck structure.

- Scientific Name: Dromaius novaehollandiae
- Where Found: Australia
- Conservation Status: Least Concern
Emus are the second-largest living birds by height, after the ostrich. Native to Australia, they are flightless birds with long legs, adapted for running at high speeds. Emus are omnivorous, feeding on a variety of plants and insects.
These birds play an important role in the dispersal of seeds through their droppings. Emus are known for their curious nature and can travel great distances for food and water, which is essential in the arid Australian landscape.
Did you know? Male emus are responsible for incubating the eggs and caring for the young once hatched.

- Scientific Name: Garrulus (Genus, Eurasian Jay as an example)
- Where Found: Worldwide
- Conservation Status: Most species Least Concern
Jays are colorful, intelligent birds known for their loud calls and vibrant plumage. They are part of the crow family and are found in various habitats, including woodlands and forests. Jays are omnivorous, eating seeds, nuts, insects, and sometimes small vertebrates.
Jays are known for their problem-solving skills and complex social behaviors. They are also known for storing food in caches for later consumption, a behavior that also aids in seed dispersal.
Did you know? The blue jay, native to North America, is known for mimicking the calls of hawks to deceive other birds.

- Scientific Name: Gallus gallus domesticus (Domestic Chicken)
- Where Found: Worldwide
- Conservation Status: Domesticated
Hens are the females of the domestic chicken, one of the most common and widespread domestic animals. They have been bred for meat and egg production and come in a variety of breeds that vary in size, color, and egg-laying abilities. Hens have a social hierarchy known as the “pecking order.”
Hens play a significant role in human agriculture and have been part of human societies for thousands of years. They are social birds and exhibit a range of behaviors, including dust bathing, scratching, and nesting.
Did you know? Hens can remember over 100 different faces of people or animals.

- Scientific Name: Paridae (Family)
- Where Found: North America, Europe, Asia, Africa
- Conservation Status: Most species Least Concern
Tits are small, active, and colorful birds, known for their agility and playful behavior. They are commonly found in forests, gardens, and woodlands, and are adept at acrobatic foraging. Tits primarily feed on insects, seeds, and nuts.
Many tit species are known for their vibrant plumage and cheery songs. They are cavity nesters, often using tree holes or nest boxes, and play an important role in controlling insect populations.
Did you know? The great tit, a common European species, is known for its intelligence, including the ability to solve puzzles to get food.

- Scientific Name: Alcidae (Family)
- Where Found: North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans
- Conservation Status: Ranges from Least Concern to Critically Endangered
Auks are seabirds known for their diving ability, using their wings to ‘fly’ underwater. They are adapted to life at sea, coming ashore only to breed. Auks feed on fish, squid, and crustaceans, catching their prey by diving from the surface.
These birds are an important part of marine ecosystems, serving as indicators of ocean health. Auks, including puffins and guillemots, are known for their striking breeding plumage and colonial nesting habits.
Did you know? The now-extinct great auk was a large, flightless bird that was hunted to extinction in the mid-19th century.

- Scientific Name: Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae
- Where Found: New Zealand
- Conservation Status: Least Concern
Tuis are unique to New Zealand and are known for their distinctive white throat tuft and iridescent blue and green plumage. They are nectar feeders, playing an important role in pollinating flowers. Tuis also eat fruits and insects.
Tuis are known for their remarkable vocal abilities, including the capacity to mimic sounds and other birds. Their songs are a complex mix of melodic notes and clicks, and they are an important part of the New Zealand soundscape.
Did you know? Tuis have two voice boxes, which allows them to produce a wide range of sounds, including duets with themselves.

- Scientific Name: Nestor notabilis
- Where Found: South Island of New Zealand
- Conservation Status: Endangered
The kea, a large parrot native to the South Island of New Zealand, is known for its intelligence, curiosity, and striking green plumage. Unlike many parrots that reside in tropical habitats, the kea has adapted to live in alpine environments and has dense feathering that provides insulation against cold temperatures.
This adaptability is a testament to the kea’s evolutionary success in a challenging environment. Keas are omnivorous, with a diet ranging from plant material to small animals. They are particularly known for their playful and mischievous behavior, often interacting with humans and their belongings.
Keas are social birds, living in groups and engaging in complex social interactions. They are considered highly intelligent, with problem-solving abilities and a propensity to use tools, similar to some primate species. Unfortunately, the kea faces threats from human activity, including lead poisoning from ingesting lead fixtures and predation from introduced species.
Did you know? The kea is the world’s only alpine parrot, uniquely adapted to live in mountainous regions. Their curiosity and tendency to explore and play with new objects have earned them the reputation of being the “clowns of the mountains.”