Welcome to this comprehensive fact sheet on the African buffalo, one of Africa’s most formidable herbivores. Known for their size, strength, and complex social structures, African buffaloes are fascinating creatures that play a vital role in their ecosystems.
Whether you’re a wildlife enthusiast, a researcher, or simply curious, this guide aims to provide you with an in-depth understanding of this incredible animal.
The African Buffalo at a Glance
Kingdom: | Animalia |
Phylum: | Chordata |
Class: | Mammalia (Mammals) |
Order: | Artiodactyla |
Family: | Bovidae |
Genus: | Syncerus |
Species: | S. caffer |
Essential Information
Average Size: | 5.6 – 11 ft (1.7 – 3.4 m) |
Average Weight: | 1,100 – 2,200 lbs (500 – 1,000 kg) |
Average Lifespan: | 15-25 years |
Geographical Range: | Sub-Saharan Africa |
Conservation Status: | Near Threatened (IUCN Red List) |
Species and Subspecies
The African buffalo primarily belongs to the species Syncerus caffer. There are several subspecies, which are primarily distinguished by their habitats and slight morphological differences:
- Cape Buffalo (S. c. caffer): Found in Southern and Eastern Africa, this is the largest and most commonly recognized subspecies.
- Forest Buffalo (S. c. nanus): Smaller and redder, this subspecies is generally found in the forests of Central and West Africa.
- Savanna Buffalo (S. c. brachyceros): Found in West Africa, they have lighter builds and smaller horns compared to the Cape Buffalo.
- Mountain Buffalo (S. c. aequinoctialis): Resides in Central and East Africa, notably in mountainous regions and open savannas.
Each subspecies adapts to its unique environment, affecting its behavior, size, and diet.

The African buffalo is a large, robust animal with a stocky build. Adults can measure between 5.6 to 11 feet from head to tail and weigh between 1,100 to 2,200 pounds (500 to 1,000 kilograms). Their coloration ranges from dark brown to almost black.
One of their most distinctive features is their set of horns. The horns are more prominent in males and can span over 3 feet (1 meter) across. These horns are not only a defensive tool but also play a role in establishing dominance within the herd.
A unique anatomical feature of the African buffalo is its digestive system, designed to extract maximum nutrients from a plant-based diet, primarily through a complex, four-chambered stomach similar to that of other ruminants.
Sexual dimorphism is not highly prominent in African buffaloes, but males are generally larger and have more massive horns compared to females. Also, males tend to have a thicker “boss,” which is the shield-like section where the horns meet at the top of the head.
Habitat and Distribution
The African buffalo is native to sub-Saharan Africa and is incredibly adaptive, able to live in a wide range of environments from grasslands to forests to swamps.
However, their preference is generally for open woodland and savannas where they have access to both grazing land and water. The type of habitat often correlates with the subspecies; for example, the Forest Buffalo is typically found in rainforests, while the Cape Buffalo prefers grasslands and savannas.
Water is a crucial factor in their habitat choice, as buffaloes need to drink daily and are often found within 10 miles of a water source.

African buffaloes are known for their complex social structures and are generally diurnal, being most active in the early morning and late afternoon. They form herds that can range from just a few animals to hundreds.
The composition of these herds is often segregated by gender and age, especially in larger populations, although smaller herds tend to be more mixed.
Within the herd, buffaloes communicate through a series of vocalizations, body language, and even olfactory signals. Their sense of smell is particularly acute, and they use it to communicate and to find food and water. They are also known to roll in mud or dust as a form of grooming and as protection against parasites and the sun.
While they are not inherently aggressive, African buffaloes are highly protective of their herd and can be extremely dangerous if they feel threatened. They have been known to engage predators like lions and even to circle back to rescue a member captured by predators.
Diet and Feeding Behavior
The African buffalo is predominantly a herbivore, subsisting mainly on grasses and herbs. However, they are known to consume woody plants, shrubs, and trees during times when grass is less abundant.
Their complex digestive system allows them to extract maximum nutrients from their plant-based diet. Buffaloes need to drink water daily, which often influences their grazing patterns. Typically, the herd will graze during the cooler parts of the day and rest near water sources in the heat of midday.
Unlike ruminants that pick and choose their food, African buffaloes are bulk grazers. This means they consume large amounts of vegetation quickly and then move to a secure location to ruminate.
Adult African buffaloes have few natural predators, primarily because of their size and the protection afforded by their herd structure. However, lions and Nile crocodiles are known to take down adult buffaloes occasionally, usually individuals who have become isolated from the herd.
Hyenas and African wild dogs may also prey on younger, weaker individuals or calves. Buffaloes are highly protective and will often circle around a threatened member of the herd, facing outward to confront predators. Their horns and sheer strength make them formidable opponents.

Reproduction and Life Cycle
African buffaloes have a polygynous mating system where dominant males mate with multiple females. The breeding season usually aligns with the rainy season, providing ample resources for the incoming calves.
After a gestation period of approximately 11.5 months, a single calf is born, weighing between 55 to 100 pounds (25 to 45 kilograms). Calves can stand within minutes of birth, a crucial factor for their survival in the wild.
The first few weeks of life are the most perilous for a young buffalo, and the mother often isolates herself and her calf from the herd to protect it. After this period, the calf rejoins the herd and is looked after not just by its mother but by other females in a kind of “nursery” group.
Conservation and Threats
The African buffalo is currently listed as “Least Concern” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), though certain subspecies are at greater risk.
Key threats to their population include habitat loss due to agriculture and human settlement, as well as diseases like bovine tuberculosis and foot-and-mouth disease. Some areas also report poaching for their meat and horns.
Various national parks and reserves across Africa aim to protect this species, and translocation efforts are sometimes employed to bolster dwindling populations.
Sustainable trophy hunting is also managed in certain areas to benefit local communities financially, and this, in turn, provides an incentive to protect the species.
Fun Facts
- African buffaloes have a highly developed sense of smell and hearing, which compensates for their relatively poor eyesight.
- Contrary to their reputation, buffaloes are known to exhibit signs of altruism, coming to the rescue of captured herd members and engaging predators to protect weaker members.
- African buffaloes are one of the “Big Five” game animals, originally termed by big-game hunters to describe the five most difficult animals to hunt on foot in Africa.
- A group of buffaloes is sometimes called an “obstinacy,” which may reflect their stubborn and formidable nature.
- Their digestive system allows them to feed on lower-quality vegetation during the dry season, giving them a survival advantage over other herbivores.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are African buffaloes dangerous?
While generally peaceful when left undisturbed, African buffaloes are known to be unpredictable and can be extremely dangerous when threatened or cornered.
Do African buffaloes have any predators?
Adults have few natural predators, but lions and Nile crocodiles can pose a threat, especially to individuals who are separated from their herd.
What is the lifespan of an African buffalo?
They can live up to 22 to 25 years in the wild, although this can be shorter due to predation or disease.
How fast can an African buffalo run?
They can run at speeds up to 35 mph (56 km/h) for short distances.
Are African buffaloes related to domestic cattle?
While they share the same family, Bovidae, African buffaloes are not directly related to domestic cattle and are considered a separate species with different behaviors and needs.