In the dense and diverse aquatic world of the Amazon, there swims a creature of remarkable intrigue and charm – the Amazon River dolphin, also known as the pink river dolphin or boto.
These unique aquatic mammals, with their prominent forehead, shrouded in pinkish hue and local lore, stand out not only for their color but also for their intelligence and complex behavior.
In this article, we’ll dive beneath the surface of the murky Amazonian waters to explore the fascinating world of these freshwater dolphins.
The Amazon River Dolphin at a Glance
Kingdom: | Animalia |
Phylum: | Chordata |
Class: | Mammalia (Mammals) |
Order: | Artiodactyla |
Family: | Iniidae |
Genus: | Inia |
Species: | I. geoffrensis |
Essential Information
Average Size: | 6-8 feet (1.8-2.4 meters) |
Average Weight: | 185-355 lbs (84-161 kg) |
Average Lifespan: | 10-30 years in the wild |
Geographical Range: | Amazon and Orinoco river basins in South America |
Conservation Status: | Endangered (IUCN Red List) |
Species and Subspecies
There are three recognized species of river dolphins under the genus Inia. The Amazon River dolphin, or Inia geoffrensis, is the most well-known.
The other two species are Inia boliviensis, found in the Bolivian Amazon, and Inia araguaiaensis, discovered in the Araguaia River basin in Brazil. Despite being in the same genus, these species show differences in their morphology and genetics, indicating a degree of isolation.

The Amazon River dolphin is the largest species of river dolphins, with adult males reaching lengths of 8 feet (2.4 meters) and weights up to 400 lbs (181 kg). Females tend to be smaller, measuring around 6 feet (1.8 meters) in length and weighing around 330 lbs (150 kg).
A striking feature of these dolphins is their coloration. Juveniles have a dark grey hue, which lightens and takes on a pinkish tinge as they age. Their distinctive pink color is more prominent in males and can intensify during moments of excitement.
Their bodies are robust with long snouts filled with sharp teeth. The forehead, or melon, is bulbous and soft, allowing the dolphin to change its shape when producing sounds.
The dorsal fin is low, broad, and triangular, while the flippers are large and paddle-like, providing excellent maneuverability in the river’s complex environments. Another unique feature is their flexible necks, unlike other dolphins, they can turn their heads from side to side due to the unfused cervical vertebrae.
Habitat and Distribution
The Amazon River dolphin inhabits the freshwater systems of the Amazon and Orinoco river basins, which span several South American countries, including Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela.
These dolphins are incredibly versatile, able to inhabit a wide range of freshwater habitats. They are commonly found in both the main river channels and the tributaries, floodplain lakes, and even at the mouths of small streams.
During the rainy season, they can also be found in flooded forests, taking advantage of the abundant food sources brought by the rising waters.

Amazon River dolphins are generally diurnal, most active during the day and rest during the night. These creatures are usually solitary but can be seen in small groups of 2-4 individuals. Occasionally, larger gatherings occur in areas with abundant food. Unlike oceanic dolphins, they do not form tightly-knit pods, and group associations tend to be temporary.
Their behavior is characterized by curiosity and playfulness. They often play with objects like sticks or clay, and young ones can be seen breaching and slapping the water surface with their tails.
Communication occurs through a complex system of acoustic signals. Amazon River dolphins produce a variety of clicks, whistles, and other sounds used for echolocation (navigation and hunting) and social interactions. They also use physical contact and posturing in their communication.
Diet and Hunting/Feeding Behavior
As carnivores, Amazon River dolphins have a broad diet. They feed on more than 50 different species of fish, including catfish, piranhas, and tetras. They are opportunistic feeders, adjusting their diet according to the seasonal availability of prey. Some dolphins have also been observed eating freshwater crabs and even small turtles.
Their hunting and feeding behavior involves using their long snouts to probe the river bottom and stir up sediment, flushing out hidden prey. They use echolocation to navigate the murky waters and locate food.
Adult Amazon River dolphins have few natural predators due to their size. However, young calves can fall prey to large predatory fish like piranhas and caimans.
The biggest threat to these dolphins, however, comes from humans, with dangers ranging from habitat loss due to dam construction and pollution to accidental entanglement in fishing nets.

Reproduction and Life Cycle
The Amazon River dolphin’s breeding habits are not as well-studied as some other dolphin species due to their habitat’s challenging nature. However, it is known that they breed year-round, with a peak in mating activity coinciding with the flood season (between May and June).
The gestation period is approximately 11 to 15 months, after which a single calf is usually born. Newborns are about 80 centimeters (31.5 inches) long and are nursed and cared for by their mothers.
The young stay with their mothers for several years, during which they learn crucial survival skills and social behaviors. They reach sexual maturity between 5 to 7 years of age for females and a bit later for males, around 7 to 10 years.
Conservation and Threats
The Amazon River dolphin is listed as “Endangered” on the IUCN Red List. The species’ population is decreasing, mainly due to threats from habitat loss and degradation, pollution, accidental bycatch in fishing nets, and targeted hunting for use as bait in local fisheries.
Various conservation efforts are underway to protect this unique species. Legal protections have been enacted in some countries, prohibiting the hunting of these dolphins. Additionally, initiatives are being carried out to clean and protect their habitat, such as establishing protected areas and promoting sustainable fishing practices.
Despite these measures, more comprehensive research and conservation programs are needed to fully understand the species and adequately protect it. Public education about the species’ importance and its threats is also a vital part of these conservation efforts.
Fun Facts
- The Amazon River dolphin is the largest species of river dolphins, with males reaching up to 8.2 feet in length.
- Unlike many marine dolphins, the Amazon River dolphin can turn its neck up to 90 degrees due to the unfused vertebrae, which allows it to maneuver around tree trunks, rocks, and other obstacles.
- The pink coloration for which they are famous is not present at birth. Young dolphins are grey, and as they age, males can develop a pink tinge.
- They have very poor eyesight and rely heavily on echolocation (bouncing sound off objects) to navigate and find food.
- Their diet is incredibly diverse, known to eat over 50 different species of fish, making them one of the most varied eaters of all toothed whales.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are Amazon River dolphins pink?
The pink color of the Amazon River dolphin is due to the abrasion of the skin surface. When they get excited, flushed, or during social encounters, they can become pinker, much like humans blushing.
Are Amazon River dolphins friendly to humans?
While generally considered gentle, the interaction between wild dolphins and humans should be limited to observation at a safe distance. They are wild animals and may react unpredictably if they feel threatened or cornered.
How long do Amazon River dolphins live?
They can live for up to 30 years in the wild, although some have been reported to live longer.
Are Amazon River dolphins endangered?
Yes, the Amazon River dolphin is classified as “Endangered” by the IUCN Red List due to various threats, including habitat loss, pollution, and fishing-related incidents.
What can we do to help conserve the Amazon River dolphin?
Individuals can support organizations that work to protect this species and its habitat. Raising awareness about the threats they face and promoting sustainable and responsible behaviors, such as limiting pollution and supporting sustainable fishing, can also help protect these unique animals.
Top image: Wikimedia Commons