While raccoons and rodents may share similar physical characteristics, such as teeth and claws, they are classified into different taxonomic groups based on their evolutionary history, anatomy, and genetic makeup.
Therefore, this article aims to enlighten all those who’ve mistakenly referred to raccoons as rodents.
To achieve this, I’ll highlight the mammal’s scientifically proven characteristics, classification, and other relevant details to enable reader’s compare and contrast raccoons and rodents.
Description and Characteristics of Raccoons
Raccoons are medium-sized mammals native to North America but have also been introduced to other parts of the world.
They are known for their distinctive black and white facial markings resembling a mask and their ringed tails.
Here are some critical characteristics of raccoons:
Raccoons can grow 2-3 feet long (including their tail) and weigh anywhere from 10-30 pounds, depending on their age.
These mammals are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. Their diet can include fruits, nuts, insects, fish, and small mammals.

Raccoons can be found in various habitats, including forests, marshes, and urban areas. They are adaptable animals and can thrive in many different environments.
They are nocturnal animals, meaning they are active at night. They are also solitary animals, except during mating season.
Raccoons breed once a year, usually in the late winter or early spring. Females give birth to litters of 2-6 offspring, which they raise independently.
Raccoons communicate with each other through a variety of sounds, including hissing, growling, and purring. They also use body language to communicate.
For instance, a raised tail can signal aggression, while a lowered tail can signal submission or fear. Erect ears indicate alertness, while flattened ears indicate aggression or anxiety.
In the wild, raccoons typically live for 2-5 years (and a maximum of 15 years). In captivity, they can live for up to 20 years.
What are Rodents?
Rodents are a group of mammals characterized by their continuously growing incisors, which they use to gnaw on various objects.

The order Rodentia includes over 2,000 species, such as rats, mice, squirrels, beavers, porcupines, guinea pigs, and many others.
Rodents are found on every continent except for Antarctica and are diverse in their habitats, from forests to deserts to urban environments.
They are adapted to various diets, including seeds, nuts, fruits, insects, and other animals. They are also crucial in multiple ecosystems as prey for predators and seed dispersers.
While some rodents are considered pests due to their ability to cause damage to crops or carry diseases, others are popular as pets or used in scientific research.
Are Raccoons Rodents?
No, raccoons are not rodents. While raccoons and rodents may share similar physical characteristics, such as sharp teeth and a tendency to forage for food, they are classified as different types of animals.
Raccoons belong to the family Procyonidae, which includes other animals such as coatis, olingos, and ringtails.
Rodents belong to the order Rodentia, which includes animals like mice, rats, squirrels, and beavers.
Are Raccoons Marsupials?
No, raccoons are not marsupials. Marsupials are a distinct group of mammals that give birth to relatively undeveloped young, completing their development inside a pouch.
Raccoons, on the other hand, are placental mammals and give birth to fully formed offspring.
Do Raccoons Have Pouches?
No, raccoons do not have pouches as marsupials do. Marsupials have a special pocket on their bellies where they carry and nurse their young. On the other hand, raccoons have well-developed nipples to nurse their young, which are located on their underside.

Raccoon Classification
Raccoons are classified as follows:
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Class: Mammalia
- Order: Carnivora
- Family: Procyonidae
- Genus: Procyon
- Species: Procyon lotor
Procyon lotor is the scientific name for the common raccoon, which is the most well-known species of raccoon.
They have distinctive physical features such as a mask-like marking around their eyes, a bushy tail with alternating black and gray rings, and dexterous front paws with sharp claws used to catch and manipulate prey. They also have a broad, rounded body shape and can weigh up to 30 pounds.
In contrast, rodents belong to the order Rodentia, the largest group of mammals, including mice, rats, squirrels, and beavers.
Rodents are typically characterized by their long, sharp incisor teeth that grow throughout their lives and are used for gnawing.
They have a distinctive elongated body shape, with short legs and a long tail, and can range in size from tiny mice to large capybaras.
What are Raccoons Related To?
Raccoons are a member of the order Carnivora, including dogs and cats. They do, however, share a more recent common ancestor with bears than with any of our domesticated pets, according to an evolutionary tree, making bears their closest living relative.
Family Relations of Racoons: Additional members of the Procyonidae family include the coati, ringtail, and kinkajou, which are all found in Africa, as well as the crab-eating raccoon and the coati, which are all found in Central and South America.
Red pandas, commonly called smaller pandas, are currently categorized as raccoon family members.
Final Thoughts
Although raccoons and rodents may have similar physical characteristics, they are classified as distinct groups of animals. Fortunately, by now, you already know the difference between these species.