Cambodia, a Southeast Asian country renowned for its majestic temples and rich history, cradles a national treasure that reaches far beyond its constructed wonders—the Palmyra Palm.
Gazing upon this towering entity, it’s easy to be transported into a daydream, imagining a palm so vast that it casts a protective shade over the entire nation. Intriguingly, this emblematic tree has played a pivotal role in defining Khmer territory since ancient times.
But did you know that every part of the Palmyra Palm has a use, making it one of the most sustainable and versatile trees in the world? Dive into this article to uncover the fascinating story of Cambodia’s national tree.
Discover The Palmyra Palm, National Tree of Cambodia
Borassus flabellifer, commonly known in Khmer as “Tnaot”, stands out as a monument of nature in Cambodia’s landscapes. This tall, robust palm tree can soar up to heights of 30 meters (approximately 98 feet) with a sturdy grey trunk adorned with leaf scars, reminiscent of a storybook waiting to be read.
The tree’s leaves, spanning up to 3 meters (around 10 feet) long, fan out in a breathtaking display, edged with sturdy black teeth. It is a dioecious tree, meaning that male and female flowers grow on separate plants. The male flowers are minute, forming semi-circular clusters hidden beneath the tree’s catkin-like inflorescences.
In contrast, the female flowers emerge as solitary entities, resembling the size of a golf ball. Following pollination, these flowers mature into sizable fruits ranging between 15 to 25 cm (6 to 10 inches) in diameter.
Each fruit can house up to 1-3 seeds encased in a wooden endocarp. Young Palmyra seedlings grow at a gentle pace initially but embark on a rapid growth spurt after an undefined period, eventually fashioning a thick, resilient stem.
Where Does the Palmyra Palm Grow?
Originally hailing from the Indian subcontinent, the Palmyra Palm has extended its roots across Southeast Asia. It thrives in countries like Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and extends its reach to Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
Within Cambodia, the palm trees favor lowland areas, particularly thriving in the province of Kompong Speu. Interestingly, despite their impressive stature, these trees don’t provide extensive shade, making them suited for sun-drenched landscapes.
Additionally, their resilience is displayed by their preference for environments where they don’t remain submerged in water for prolonged periods. The Palmyra Palm’s versatility has allowed it to mark territories and etch historical landscapes, standing as silent sentinels and guardians of Cambodian identity.

The Palmyra Palm in the Ecosystem
The mighty Palmyra Palm doesn’t just stand as a symbol for the Khmer people; it plays a crucial role within the ecosystems it populates. Its fruits provide sustenance to various wildlife, from birds to mammals.
Birds like parakeets and mynas relish the sweet fruit, while certain mammals, including bats and squirrels, rely on its nourishment. Insects, particularly bees, are attracted to the tree’s flowers, assisting in the pollination process. Furthermore, the tree’s robust structure provides nesting sites for various bird species, creating a mini-ecosystem within its towering form.
The Palmyra Palm’s significance isn’t limited to its ecological role. Its presence has also aided in soil stabilization, preventing erosion in regions prone to this environmental challenge.
In areas experiencing water scarcity, the tree acts as a natural reservoir, drawing up water from deep within the earth and releasing it slowly, benefiting the surrounding vegetation.
Why and When Did The Palmyra Palm Become The National Tree of Cambodia?
The Palmyra Palm’s journey to becoming Cambodia’s national tree is deeply rooted in the country’s history and culture. Since ancient times, it has symbolized the extent of Khmer territory, representing the resilience, sustenance, and spirit of the Cambodian people. Its versatility, where every part of the tree can be utilized, echoes the resourcefulness and sustainability intrinsic to the Khmer way of life.
In 2003, recognizing the tree’s importance, His Majesty King of the Kingdom of Cambodia urged the government to prioritize the conservation of the Palmyra Palm. By 2005, the king’s royal decree proudly declared it as the national symbol of Cambodia.
The choice wasn’t merely due to the tree’s physical presence but was deeply symbolic. If we were to draw a parallel between the Palmyra Palm and the Cambodian people, it would reflect resilience in the face of adversity, patience, and immeasurable contributions to society.
While the tree enjoys widespread respect and reverence, rapid urbanization and development pressures in some parts of Cambodia have led to the clearing of these iconic trees.
Balancing the demands of modernization with the need to preserve this invaluable symbol remains an ongoing challenge. This dynamic tension highlights the tree’s cultural significance, as it represents not just the past and present but also the future of Cambodia.

Where is the Palmyra Palm Featured in Cambodia?
The prominence of the Palmyra Palm extends beyond the landscapes of Cambodia; it’s symbolically represented in various facets of Cambodian life. One of the most notable appearances is on the Khmer Riel note, where the tree proudly stands as a reminder of the nation’s heritage and identity.
This inclusion is a testament to the tree’s significance in the hearts and minds of Cambodians. Beyond currency, the Palmyra Palm graces local artwork, literature, and is frequently the subject of songs and folktales, embedding it further into the cultural fabric of the nation.
Names of the Palmyra Palm
The Palmyra Palm, scientifically known as Borassus flabellifer, boasts a variety of names reflecting its widespread growth and cultural importance across many countries. In Khmer, it’s lovingly called “Tnaot.” Its ubiquitous presence in various regions has led to diverse naming:
- Nepal: ताड़ (Taad)
- India: பனை மரம் (Panai Maram in Tamil), ताड़ (Taad in Hindi)
- Sri Lanka: තල (Thala)
- Thailand: ต้นตาล (Ton tan)
- Vietnam: Thốt nốt
Moreover, folklore and indigenous communities might have their distinct names, celebrating the tree’s multifaceted role in their respective cultures.
Interesting Facts About The Palmyra Palm
- Symbiotic Relationships: The Palmyra Palm’s flowers are a magnet for bees, ensuring effective pollination. This mutually beneficial relationship exemplifies nature’s intricate balance, where the tree provides nectar and in return, the bees facilitate its reproduction.
- Historic Scripts: The tree’s leaves were historically used as writing material. Known as palm-leaf manuscripts, these were prevalent in ancient South and Southeast Asia. The resilient nature of the leaves made them ideal for preserving texts for generations.
- Natural Cooler: The sap extracted from the tree, when fermented, produces a beverage called toddy or palm wine. This natural drink is not only refreshing but has been traditionally consumed for its potential health benefits.
- Edible Heart: The Palmyra Palm’s heart, often referred to as the “heart of palm,” is edible and considered a delicacy in many cultures. It has a tender texture and is used in various culinary dishes.
- Longevity: Palmyra Palms have a remarkable lifespan. Some trees can live for over a century, standing as silent witnesses to the ebbs and flows of history.

Other Beautiful Trees Found in Cambodia
- Koki Tree (Hopea odorata): A large, evergreen tree, the Koki is known for its durable timber. The aromatic resin from its bark has traditional uses, and the wood is prized for construction due to its resistance to termites.
- Beng Tree (Afzelia xylocarpa): This deciduous tree is notable for its hardwood which is often used in making furniture. The tree’s seeds have a unique double-coiled anatomy, and its bright yellow flowers are a sight to behold.
- Kampot Teak (Tectona grandis): While Teak is known worldwide, the variant from the Kampot region of Cambodia is particularly revered. Renowned for its fine grain and durability, it’s a popular choice for woodworking.
- Rumduol (Sphaerocoryne affinis): This tree is renowned for its fragrant white flowers. The scent of Rumduol flowers is symbolic of Cambodian spirit and is a cherished part of the country’s culture.
- Sralao (Shorea roxburghii): This is a significant timber species in Cambodia. The tree produces a valuable type of wood that’s used in construction and cabinetry.
What Is The National Flower of Cambodia?
The national flower of Cambodia is Rumduol (Sphaerocoryne affinis). A humble yet fragrant flower, the Rumduol, represents simplicity, purity, and natural beauty.
This white flower, with its delicate petals and captivating aroma, is deeply entrenched in Cambodia’s identity. Often seen in Cambodian literature, songs, and artworks, Rumduol serves as a reminder of Cambodia’s rich heritage and the nation’s connection to nature.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the significance of the Palmyra Palm in Cambodian culture?
The Palmyra Palm represents the historical and territorial expanse of the Khmer society. Its widespread growth across the country symbolizes the strength and resilience of the Cambodian people. From providing sustenance to playing a role in traditions, the Palmyra Palm is deeply rooted in Cambodian identity.
How do Cambodians use the Palmyra Palm in their daily lives?
Cambodians utilize almost every part of the Palmyra Palm. From consuming the fruits and extracting the sap for beverages to using the leaves for roofing, mats, and manuscripts, the tree offers countless utilities.
Is the Palmyra Palm endangered in Cambodia?
While the Palmyra Palm is still common in Cambodia, there have been concerns about its declining numbers due to urbanization and changing agricultural practices. Conservation efforts have been initiated to protect and promote its growth.
How is the Palmyra Palm sap turned into sugar?
The sap extracted from the tree is boiled down to produce jaggery or palm sugar. This sugar is integral to Cambodian cuisine and is cherished for its unique flavor.
Besides the Palmyra Palm, what other symbols represent Cambodia?
Apart from the Palmyra Palm, Cambodia is represented by various symbols, including the national flower, Rumduol, and the Angkor Wat, which is depicted on the national flag and is a symbol of the nation’s rich history and architectural prowess.