Welcome to the extraordinary realm of Ecuador’s floral biodiversity. Lying on the equator, with the Andes running right through its heart, Ecuador is a paradise for nature lovers.
But amidst its verdant rainforests, volcanic landscapes, and breathtaking mountainscapes, one flower stands out as a symbol of national pride: the Chuquiraga, also known as Chuquiraga jussieui.
This flower, known as the “Flower of Love and Dedication,” has an enchanting tale to tell.
Description of The Chuquiraga
Chuquiraga jussieui is a stunning sub-shrub that belongs to the family Asteraceae. This evergreen plant displays an unusual beauty that is difficult to ignore. It features tough, elongated leaves that form a dense, bushy crown. The leaves are dark green and can be covered with white woolly hairs.
Its most captivating feature, though, is its vibrant, orange-red flowers that bloom all year round but are particularly abundant between June and November.
The flowers, composed of around 15 petals, are tubular, with the corolla mouth slightly flaring open, revealing five bright yellow anthers. The overall effect is one of a warm, glowing ember amidst the rugged Andean landscapes.

Where Does The Chuquiraga Grow?
The chuquiraga is an emblematic flower of the Andean páramo ecosystems. A páramo is a high-altitude, tropical, alpine tundra ecosystem that’s found in the Andes, primarily in Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru. The chuquiraga thrives in these harsh conditions at elevations between 3000 and 4800 meters above sea level.
Páramos are characterized by a cold, humid climate with frequent frosts. The soil is often peaty and acidic, with low nutrient content, and the chuquiraga has adapted remarkably well to these challenging conditions. Even in such a harsh environment, the chuquiraga not only survives but flourishes, offering a striking splash of color in the otherwise desolate landscape.
The Chuquiraga in The Ecosystem
Chuquiraga jussieui plays a significant role in its native ecosystem. It’s an important source of food for both native and migratory bird species. The flower’s nectar is a particular favorite of several hummingbird species, making chuquiraga a crucial part of their diet, especially given the scarcity of other food sources in the páramo environment.
In addition to serving as a nectar source, the plant also provides shelter for various small animals and insects in its dense foliage. The plant’s ability to grow in nutrient-poor soil helps stabilize the soil and prevent erosion, thereby contributing to the health and sustainability of its high-altitude ecosystem.

Symbolism and Meaning: Why and When Did The Chuquiraga Become the National Flower of Ecuador?
Chuquiraga jussieui was declared the national flower of Ecuador in 1944, as part of the government’s effort to promote national symbols that represent the country’s unique biodiversity and cultural heritage.
The flower symbolizes the strength and resilience of the Ecuadorian people, mirroring its own ability to thrive in the tough conditions of the páramo.
Chuquiraga also holds a significant place in local Andean culture. Indigenous communities have traditionally used it for medicinal purposes, leveraging its alleged anti-inflammatory properties to treat ailments.
Moreover, it is often associated with the romantic image of the Andean man, who, despite the harshness of the páramo, is able to find this beautiful flower as a symbol of love for his partner.
Names of The Chuquiraga
The scientific name for this plant is Chuquiraga jussieui, named after French botanist Antoine Jussieu. It belongs to the Asteraceae family, which is a large family of flowering plants that also includes sunflowers and daisies. It’s commonly known as “chuquiraga”, “flower of the Andes”, or “flower of love”.
In certain local contexts, it might be referred to as “chuquirahua”, deriving from Kichwa (or Quichua), an indigenous language in the Andean region. The word is a combination of “chuquir” meaning comb, possibly referencing the flower’s spiky appearance, and “wawa” meaning child.

Interesting Facts About The Chuquiraga
- The Chuquiraga is known for its high-altitude resilience. It’s capable of growing in the harsh páramo environment, surviving the cold temperatures, strong winds, and high UV radiation common in these regions.
- It has an interesting adaptive feature known as “pulvinus”, a flexible joint in the leaves that allows them to change their orientation based on sunlight, helping the plant conserve water.
- Chuquiraga is not just visually appealing, but also serves as an important source of nectar for hummingbirds and bees in the páramo ecosystem, which contributes to these species’ survival in high-altitude environments.
- In local folklore, it is said that the men from the Andean region used to give chuquiraga flowers to the women they loved, as a token of their passion and commitment. This tradition earned the flower its nickname “the flower of love”.
How to Grow The Chuquiraga
Growing Chuquiraga requires replicating its natural páramo habitat as closely as possible. Here are a few tips:
- Soil: Chuquiraga prefers well-drained soil, which prevents waterlogging and mimics the rocky soil conditions of the páramo.
- Sunlight: As a high-altitude plant, it’s used to receiving direct, intense sunlight. Place it in a location where it will receive plenty of sun throughout the day.
- Watering: Despite being from rainy highlands, the chuquiraga plant is adapted to conserve water due to the well-drained nature of its native soil. It’s best to water moderately, allowing the soil to dry out between watering.
- Temperature: Chuquiraga can tolerate cold temperatures, reflecting its high-altitude origins. While it can adapt to warmer conditions, it thrives best in cooler environments.
Remember, growing a plant outside of its native habitat can be challenging and results can vary greatly depending on local conditions and care practices.

Other Beautiful Flowers Native To Ecuador
Ecuador, straddling the equator, boasts an incredibly diverse flora thanks to its varied ecosystems ranging from coastal plains to Andean highlands, and from Amazon rainforests to the Galapagos Islands. Here are some other beautiful flowers that can be found in the country:
- Orchids: With over 4,000 species, Ecuador is an orchid lover’s paradise. Some of the most unique ones include the Dracula Orchid, famed for its strange, bat-like face, and the elegant and fragrant Epidendrum secundum.
- Passion Flower: Also known as “Passiflora“, these vines produce unique and intricate flowers that have symbolic significance in Christian tradition.
- Bromeliads: Often growing on trees in cloud forests, bromeliads add a touch of color to the lush green surroundings. One unique species, the Puya clava-herculis, is one of the few bromeliads adapted to the harsh páramo environment, just like the Chuquiraga.
- Heliconias: Recognized for their beautiful and brightly colored inflorescences, Heliconias are integral parts of the rainforest ecosystem, providing food and shelter for a variety of animals.
Final Thoughts
Ecuador’s national flower, the Chuquiraga, stands as a testament to the country’s rich biodiversity, showcasing its ability to thrive in the harshest of environments. This “flower of love” reflects not just the resilience and diversity of Ecuador’s flora, but also the cultural and ecological significance it holds in the hearts of its people.
So whether you’re an enthusiast trying to grow your own Chuquiraga, or simply someone with a deep appreciation for nature’s beauty, we hope you found this exploration of Ecuador’s national flower informative and inspiring.