One of the most famous and majestic creatures in the world is the tiger. The biggest of the great cats, they are renowned for their power, agility, and striking looks.
There are a number of morphological and behavioral distinctions between male and female tigers that can be used to determine their gender.
This is called sexual dimorphism: it is the fact that males and females of the same species display different physical traits. We shall examine the many traits that male and female tigers have in this post.
The Differences Between Male and Female Tigers
Morphology, Size, and Weight
The size and weight of male and female tigers are the most obvious differences. Tiger males tend to be bigger and heavier than female tigers in terms of size. While an adult female tiger typically weighs around 350 pounds, an adult male tiger can weigh up to 660 pounds (300 kg) (160 kg).
While female tigers normally grow to be 8 feet long from snout to tail, males can also reach lengths of up to 11ft.
Male tigers have larger, more muscular heads and faces than female tigers. They have bigger necks and more pronounced cheeks and jawlines.
Male tigers have a more robust and muscular physical type than female tigers. Their legs are larger and more strong, and their bodies are typically longer.
Male tigers typically have stripes that are wider apart and thicker than those found on female tigers.
Also read: Extinct Tigers: A Look at The 3 Extinct Subspecies

The behavior of male and female tigers is another distinction. It is well known that male tigers are more aggressive and possessive than females. Males frequently mark their territory with urine and feces.
Male tigers exhibit more violent and territorial behavior than female tigers, particularly during mating season – and they will engage in combat with other males who attempt to disrespect the boundaries of their territory.
Ladies are typically less aggressive and more isolated.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Females Tigers Bigger Than Males?
No, females are not bigger than males. In fact, male tigers are larger and heavier than females. This is due to the fact that male tigers need to be larger and stronger to compete for territory and mating rights.
They also need to be able to hunt and kill larger prey to sustain themselves. Female tigers, on the other hand, have a smaller body size and are designed for nurturing and protecting their cubs.
What Are Female Tigers Called?
Female tigers are called “tigresses.” This term is used to differentiate between male and female tigers and is commonly used in wildlife conservation and research. Tigresses play a crucial role in tiger populations as they are responsible for producing and raising the next generation of tigers.
They are also an essential part of the ecosystem as they help maintain the balance of prey populations and keep other predators in check.
In conclusion, male and female tigers can be differentiated by their size, weight, and behavior. Male tigers are larger and more aggressive, while female tigers are smaller and more nurturing. Tigresses play a crucial role in the survival of tiger populations and are an essential part of the ecosystem.
Understanding the differences between male and female tigers is important for wildlife conservation efforts and can help researchers and conservationists better understand and protect these magnificent animals.