Vultures are popular scavengers that often wait to clean up the remnants of prey left by predators. In some instances, they are able to chase away the predator, while in most cases, they have to wait and hope for leftovers. This guide will highlight what vultures eat and how they get their food.
What Do Vultures Eat?
Vultures are scavengers that eat carrion from the carcasses of dead animals and waste from human garbages. Although they prefer fresh dead animal remains, they also eat rotten or decaying carcasses.
The carcasses can be too toxic for other animals, but the vulture’s corrosive stomach acid allows them to eat anything they deem fit.
What Do Baby Vultures Eat?
Baby vulture eats bone chips that are brought home to them by their mother. When eating carcasses, vultures save some bone chips in their mouth for their little chicks.
Once they get back home, they regurgitate the chips to enable them to feed their chicks. Vultures bring back more bone chips to feed them as they grow older.
Do Vultures Eat Live Animals?
Yes, vultures eat live animals that are not so active. These animals or birds are usually sick, injured, and on the verge of dying. Black vultures are the species that frequently kill live prey, while turkey vultures rarely do such.
However, these birds prefer to eat fresh dead carrion or decaying carcasses of dead animals. Vultures can also eat decaying food from garbage or fruits from trees.

Is a vulture a scavenger?
Vultures are scavengers that feed exclusively on the carcasses of dead animals. Although these birds are not skilled at hunting, they can also kill animals they consider easy targets.
Their prey is usually sick, wounded, or dying animals. If they cannot penetrate the hide of a dying animal, they can wait for other predators to help them do the job before they eat the carcass.
Also read: Are Vultures Dangerous? Do They Attack Humans?
Why Do Vultures Have Bald Heads?
Vulture’s bald heads are believed to have developed from adaptive abilities as scavengers. The bald head ensures that they do not soil their feathers when eating the insides of carcasses.
Despite this accepted assumption, recent research has shown that vultures experience tough temperatures daily, requiring them to have the special anatomy of being bald to survive.
Why Do Vultures Circle Round Dead Animals?
When vultures circle dead animals, they carry out investigations. It takes them some time while cycling around to locate a dead animal that they perceive its aroma from afar.
Sometimes they could be determining if an animal is still alive or dead to allow them to eat, or they are just playing by chasing each other.

How Do Vultures Find Food?
Vultures depend on their sense of smell and vision to find food. They can smell the sulfurous chemicals in decaying carcasses from miles away and keep cycling until they locate the aroma’s origin.
Another strategy they use is to watch out for other vultures flying around a particular area and could have found a dead animal before them.
Why Are Vultures Important For Their Ecosystem?
Vultures help to clean up the ecosystem. Eating the remains of a dead animal is a means of cleaning an environment because those carcasses are often contaminated with bacteria.
The bacteria can cause the spread of diseases that can harm people, animals, or even plants. So vultures are not only removing waste but also controlling the spread of diseases to keep the ecosystem healthy.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Vultures Carnivores?
Vultures are scavengers that are special types of carnivores. Although they prefer fresh animal remains or carrion these birds also eat insects, reptiles, birds, rabbits, and other small mammals that are wounded, sick and inactive. So this means they can eat animals that are not yet dead which is characteristic of carnivores.
Do Vultures Eat Snakes?
Yes, vultures eat snakes. Snakes and vultures rarely come in contact with each other. However, these scavengers do not care or select the dead animal and carrion they eat. So if a snake dies around the corner and vultures find it, they would snack on it.
Do Vultures Eat Dead Vultures?
Yes, vultures eat dead vultures. Although vultures are not selective about the carcasses they eat, they can feed on any dead animal. They don’t go about looking for their specie that is dead to eat and would not feed on it if they had other options. So they would eat other dead vultures when they are starving and do not have any other choice.
Do Vultures Eat Dead Humans?
Yes, vultures eat dead humans. Some vultures are used to eating rotten flesh from animals or humans. The species most likely to eat human remains is the Egyptian vultures, as they like eating rotten flesh.
For example, the Parsis people of India, that have Egyptian history, do not bury their dead bodies; instead, they take them to the Tower of Silence, where vultures feed on them.
Do Vultures Eat Bones?
Yes, vultures eat bones. Various species of vultures eat bones, but some eat them more than others. Turkey vultures and black vultures eat small bones from dead animal remains. However, the bearded vultures diet contains 70-90 percent of bones. These vultures prefer to eat bones in place of meat from dead animals.
What Eats Vultures?
Animals like hawks, eagles, hyenas, foxes, wild dogs, wild cats, crocodiles, raccoons, snakes, jackals eat vultures. Vultures do not have a lot of predators; still, these animals just can’t help themselves when they are hungry.
Most wild animals would eat anything to keep them from starving. Even with how vultures are viewed by many, some people still kill them either for food or medicinal purposes, according to their beliefs.